$2,050 / Month

14388 N Summerchase Cir, Willis, TX 77318

2 Weeks Ago
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14388 N Summerchase Cir
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Beds Baths Average SF
3 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms 3 Br 2 Baths 2 Baths 2 Ba 1,657 SF
Property Address: 14388 N Summerchase Cir, Willis,
TX 77318
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City - Willis

Located an hour north of Houston along Interstate 45, Willis is a small suburban city just outside of Conroe. Surrounded by the region’s unspoiled natural beauty, Willis is a terrific place for outdoors enthusiasts: the vast Sam Houston National Forest curves around the community, providing excellent opportunities for hiking, hunting, and camping. Lake Conroe and Lake Livingston are nearby as well, making it easy to spend a weekend boating or fishing.

Folks in Willis enjoy easy access to a collective of locally-owned restaurants, from Leroy’s Bar-BQ to the Big Bad Wolf Bakery to the classic Original Super Burger. The larger city of Conroe to the south provides a much more diverse offering of dining, entertainment, and nightlife, and of course Houston is close enough to hop down and enjoy a night on the town anytime.

Learn more about living in Willis 
Colleges & Universities Distance
Colleges & Universities Distance
Drive: 32 min 21.2 mi
Drive: 39 min 27.1 mi
Drive: 75 min 45.3 mi
14388 N Summerchase Cir is within 32 minutes or 21.2 miles from Lone Star College. It is also near Sam Houston State University and Prairie View A&M University.

14388 N Summerchase Cir is near George Bush Intcntl/Houston, located 44.3 miles or 57 minutes away.

Airports Distance
Airports Distance
George Bush Intcntl/Houston
Drive: 57 min 44.3 mi

Walkability Near 14388 N Summerchase Cir Willis, TX 77318

Walk Score®
Out of 100
Transit Score®
Out of 100
Bike Score®
Out of 100
Out of 100







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Points of Interest

Time and distance from 14388 N Summerchase Cir.

Shopping Centers Distance
Shopping Centers Distance
Walk: 15 min 0.8 mi
Drive: 9 min 4.6 mi
Drive: 10 min 4.7 mi
14388 N Summerchase Cir has 3 shopping centers within 4.7 miles, which is about a 10-minute drive. The miles and minutes will be for the farthest away property.
Parks and Recreation Distance
Parks and Recreation Distance
Mussel Pond Preserve
Drive: 24 min 14.5 mi
Sam Houston National Forest
Drive: 28 min 16.1 mi
14388 N Summerchase Cir has 2 parks within 16.1 miles, including Mussel Pond Preserve, and Sam Houston National Forest.
Military Bases Distance
Military Bases Distance
Drive: 102 min 78.2 mi
14388 N Summerchase Cir is 78.2 miles and a 102 minutes from Lyndon B Johnson Space Center.

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