Reach millions of renters on the #1 listing network
for houses, townhomes, condos, and apartments
monthly visitors* by in-market renters
leads sent to brokers and agents in 2023
leases signed and counting
Get FREE and EXCLUSIVE leads with your MLS Listing!
We work directly with hundreds of MLSs across the country to provide brokers and agents maximum visibility for their listings. When we partner with your MLS, your listings automatically get placed on the Apartments.com Network of sites.
Use the form below to check if your MLS is a participating partner.
7X more exposure on the web
Get more qualified leads with your listing placed on seven leading websites that get over 100 million visits each month^.
More than just apartments
Apartments.com has over 150,000 active listings of houses, townhomes, condos and duplexes. We have provided brokers and agents over five million leads from renters looking for these types of properties in 2023.
Your listing, your leads. Always FREE
Unlike other websites, we never sell or share your leads with your competitors. All leads for your listings are sent directly to you free and are yours exclusively.
The most marketing support
We invest heavily in national advertising on your behalf to drive more leads to your listing. Our campaign reaches over one hundred million renters across TV, video on demand, social media streaming audio and more.
The most innovative rental technology
We lead the industry in providing advanced tools and technology, such as 3D tours, online applications, and digital leases, helping brokers and agents close deals even faster.
General questions
What is a feed?
It's when your MLS sends listings to Apartments.com on your behalf.
How much does the program cost?
Nothing. Apartments.com accepts data feeds from MLSs for free, and we never charge for leads.
How do I receive my leads?
We use the phone number and email provided by the MLS to pass leads to you directly.
What property types can we display on Apartments.com?
We cover not only apartments, but also single family homes, townhomes and condos – all of which can be included in your feed for display on our site!
How are listings submitted through a feed?
What format do you support?
What do I need to provide to setup a feed?
Send us an email at industryrelations@apartments.com and tell us your name and what MLS you are with. We will reach out to them on your behalf.
How will my property listings be displayed?
Will my contact information be displayed in my listings?
Unlike other sites, at Apartments.com it's always your listing, your lead. Only your contact info will be shown on your listing.
How do I contact apartments.com for support?
Questions or need assistance?
Email us at industryrelations@apartments.com
*Google Analytics, April 2024
^Apartments.com Network, internal data, 2023