Whether you've just finished your spring semester, graduated college, or have to leave for other reasons, it’s time for the inevitable: moving out of your college apartment. To avoid the stress of an unorganized move-out day, follow these tips:
Toss or donate items you don't need
Odds are, if you’re questioning if you need a belonging, you probably don’t. If an item isn't going with you to your next home, then it needs to be tossed or donated. Regardless, it has to move out of the space, so start those keep, toss, and donate piles sooner than later. Remember that whatever you keep is just one more thing you have to lug to your next apartment.
Organize your belongings
It may not look like you have a lot, but you have accumulated more than you think. Unloading unorganized boxes and bags at your new place doesn’t sound like fun, so avoid that catastrophe by organizing the belongings you're planning to keep by room or function.
Get plenty of boxes in various sizes
By the time you load up a large box with your belongings, you likely won’t be able to budge it, let alone pick it up and put it in your vehicle. Use smaller and medium size boxes instead so you don’t end up overloading the box and dealing with it busting through the bottom. This will also help to keep you organized, rather than putting everything in one container.
Label your boxes
Label your boxes by room or category, and always put “fragile” on anything containing breakable items. It’s likely that you’ll forget what’s in each box, so by labeling everything accordingly, you can avoid anything fragile getting broken in the move or having to search through box after box to find your coffee pot.
Wrap your items in newspaper or magazines
Instead of using bubble wrap for your fragile items, like kitchen glasses, dishes, and anything else breakable, try using recyclable newspapers and magazines. It’s a cheaper alternative, and you probably already have it on hand. If you don't have any newspapers or magazines, use your towels to protect your items.
Make use of large garbage bags
If you run out of luggage to pack your clothes in, black garbage bags are nifty for more than just tossing your “throw away” pile in. Plus, they’re easier to pack (or shove) into vehicles than boxes are.
Use a dolly for the heavy items
Take the pressure off and get a dolly. And while you're at it, try to get help from anyone willing, especially if you have furniture or other heavy items that require more than just you to move. You can easily rent a dolly from any moving company and then return it when you are done.
Get an early start
As the heat moves in after spring semester, you’ll want to have as much done as early as possible. It’s best to pack your apartment ahead of time so that when it’s time to pack everything into the car, you are organized and ready to go.
Pack wisely
You want to get the most use out of the space in your vehicle, so take the time to figure out what should go where so you don’t end up leaving boxes on the curb.
Get a storage unit
Try to get a storage unit ahead of time if you’re not immediately moving into a new apartment. This is one of those things that will ease your mind during the move-out, and you'll have somewhere to put your belongings, or just a few extra items you don't have room for, for the time being. Happy moving, my fellow renters!