Congrats! Moving to a new city is an exciting adventure, and with it comes important decisions such as where you’re going to live after you get where you’re going. After all, moving is a chance to start fresh. New city, new you apartment, right? Moving to a new place and into a new apartment can also be a bit intimidating, but fret not. Apartment searching (even in a new, unfamiliar city) can be easy peasy – if you have the right tips to assist you, that is.
I’ll be your apartment searching assistant (if you’ll have me), giving you the best tips for finding your perfect residential rental in a new city – whichever city it may be! The Windy City, the Big Apple, America’s Finest City – the list goes on and on for wonderful places to find your rental bliss. Let the adventure begin
Research the City
Before you make any moves, research the city you’re moving to. You’re interested in not only the area’s vibe and its unique characteristics, but also its average cost of rent, amount of rentals in the area, and types of apartments available for rent. For instance, if you want to rent a one-bedroom loft, but can only find a studio apartment or a two-bedroom townhome available for rent, you may have to adjust what you’re searching for based on what your new city has to offer.
There’s nothing wrong with that! Moving to a new city is all about adjusting your expectations, surroundings, and everyday life. Who knows – you may end up loving that studio apartment or two-bedroom townhome even more than your idealized one-bedroom loft! And if you want my opinion (I’ll give it regardless), I think you’ll be just fine finding your perfect apartment in your new city with the help of the best site to find an apartment (and me, of course). If the city is more affordable than what you’d originally thought, that’s great! But if it’s a bit pricier than you had hoped – that’s okay too. You’ll just have to budget wisely (we’ll get to that).
Choose a Neighborhood or Two You're Interested In
So, you have an idea of what your new city is like after you’ve done some research. You’ve zoomed in and around Google maps, meaning you’ve pinpointed the best places to get a cup of coffee in the city, discovered the trendiest boutiques downtown, and have a clue as to what the most popular (trafficky) neighborhoods are in the city. This is likely based on the number of residential and commercial buildings you saw on the map, as well as the average population in the area from helpful data you found. The internet is your friend here, renters.
If you’re interested in quiet streets that are mainly residential, try searching for an apartment in a small suburban neighborhood. If you prefer the hype of urban living, try a downtown district or nearby urban neighborhood in the middle of your new metropolis. It’ll be busier, but it’ll also likely be closer to the city’s central business district – this is important if you enjoy the convenience of a quick commute to work.
Calculate Your Budget
Neighborhood searching is pretty fun right? You’ve found a few places you think you’ll enjoy calling home (or maybe you already had a neighborhood in mind). Whether it’s a quick commute to your new job, close to a variety of restaurants and shops, has walkable streets, or just fits with the area vibe you’re looking for, it’s time to move on to your next decision!
My fellow renters, what’s your budget? Are you unsure of how much you should spend on rent or what the average cost of rent is in your new neighborhood? Do some research into the area and see what you can find. Specifically, search for a few neighborhoods on your preferred apartment listing site, along with the type of rental you’re looking for (studio apartment or three-bedroom house, for instance), and look at the range of rent for that particular area and type of rental. This should give you a good idea of how expensive or affordable the neighborhood you’ve chosen is. Make your estimated budget from there – you can always adjust it as you see fit (as long as you’re not spending more than you can afford). Never forget the 50/30/20 rule of thumb!
Search Online for Apartments
You’re already apartment searching at this point for budget reasons based on the cost of living and renting in your new city (and preferred neighborhood), so now it’s time to (drumroll please) choose your new apartment! Two of the most important aspects of your apartment search are checked off - where you want to live and how much you’re willing to spend. Now that that’s settled, specify your apartment search with the apartment size (one-, two-, or three-bedroom) you’re interested in, the type of rental (house, townhome, apartment, condo, etc.), and the cost of rent (don’t forget our favorite rule of thumb). Now it’s time to pick an apartment! But wait – you can’t forget about amenities – oh how I love apartment amenities.
Decide What Amenities You Want
Whether you’re considering apartment features or community amenities, they’re fantastic aspects that can set one apartment listing apart from the next – not to mention they make apartment living that much more appealing.
Whether you’re hoping for luxury features like granite countertops and an in-unit fireplace or alluring amenities like an on-site dog park or resort-style swimming pool, many apartment listings will offer these and more (depending on the city you’re moving to). Whatever the amenity or feature may be, you can limit your apartment search on to get listings that offer those amenities. No, I’m not being facetious, I’m serious – that actually exists. Lucky you, am I right?
Ask for Help from Friends, Coworkers, or Anyone Familiar with the Area
If there’s anyone in your professional, social, or familial circle who can be of assistance to you in this exciting journey, ask for help! Anyone around you who is familiar with the city you’re about to pick up and move to can be extremely beneficial to your apartment search. Perhaps you’re deciding between two apartments in two different neighborhoods, and your current boss or friend-of-a-friend mentions that one neighborhood is safer than the other – take this advice into consideration.
Security is likely (as it should be) important to you in your apartment search, as well as in your chosen neighborhood and city, so advice such as this could be the one thing that helps you decide between your potential new homes. Ask for help and absorb others’ advice, but ultimately, you’re the one with the final decision, so do thorough research and choose wisely!
Try to Visit the Property in Person
So, you’ve decided on say, a two-bedroom apartment with a community that features a 24-hour fitness center and the biggest walk-in closets you’ve ever had in a rental. Score!
But before you make any major decisions (aka signing a lease), I suggest visiting the property first. It’ll allow you to get a better look at the neighborhood and the apartment itself. But if you can’t make it to the city before your move, take full advantage of online virtual tours (often available on the apartment’s online listing). If this specific apartment doesn’t offer that, ask the leasing office or landlord about the option of allowing a video tour (through FaceTime, Skype, whatever) of the apartment guided by the landlord, property manager, or leasing consultant. Seeing the apartment firsthand will be a big help in making your final decision (well, sort of firsthand - firsthand-ish?).
Consider Getting a Roommate
If you do find an apartment that you love, but are hoping to be able to spend a little less on rent, consider getting a roommate! It may be nice living with someone when you’re unfamiliar with this new city and don’t know many people (if any at all). From social media, to friends-of-friends, there are plenty of ways to find a roommate. It’s always something to consider.
Any who, you’ve researched the city, chosen a neighborhood, set a budget, searched for an apartment, selected your preferred amenities, toured your apartment (in some way), and picked your perfect rental! You’ve conquered the quest of learning how to move to a new city (packing and unpacking is a whole other story) and how to find an apartment – it wasn’t all that hard, now was it? It just takes a little time, research, and dedication in order to find a rental when you’re moving to a new city that fits your needs and wants. I hope your apartment search is simple and your new home is fabulous. Enjoy this new and exciting journey, my fellow renters.