A historically industrial area, Gowanus is an up-and-coming urban neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. The Gowanus Canal travels through the neighborhood, connecting to the Gowanus Bay. Though the canal has been polluted for over a hundred years, the federal EPA has been working to clean up the canal and restore it to its natural beauty.
With the canal clean-up, new residents and local businesses are flocking to town, offering a variety of local restaurants, shops, art venues, and more. The Bell House is the go-to location to see a variety of shows featuring comedians and musicians in an industrial bar. Visit the Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club for some entertaining late night fun.
Gowanus offers access to various highways and provides public transit, in the form of subways and trains, to Manhattan and other popular areas in New York. Check out the Carroll Street Bridge, built in 1899, that’s a town landmark and a site worth seeing.