The Lower East Side, sometimes shortened to “LES,” is a vibrant neighborhood situated alongside the East River in Manhattan’s southeastern stretches. The Lower East Side is best known for its bustling nightlife scene anchored by an eclectic array of trendy bars and lounges. The neighborhood also contains a bevy of boutiques, cafes, independent shops, and restaurants.
The rental offerings in LES are just as diverse as its welcoming community. Lower East Side apartments range from renovated pre-war walk-ups to new luxury high-rises. LES is also home to exciting music venues like Bowery Ballroom and Rockwood Music Hall as well as scenic parks like John V. Lindsay East River Park and Sara D. Roosevelt Park. This longstanding Manhattan neighborhood honors the past while acknowledging its effect on the present with its famous Tenement Museum, where residents and visitors alike can learn more about the rich history of the immigrant and migrant experience in the Lower East Side.