Chevy Chase is a quiet town on the border of Washington, DC and Maryland. The great outdoors flourish in Chevy Chase as it’s outlined by Rock Creek and its surrounding parks, but Chevy Chase itself keeps a green landscape as well. The city is filled with golf courses, parks, and trails. The other parts of Chevy Chase consist of peaceful residential avenues. Renters have the choice of moderately priced apartments and condos. Those looking for a tranquil, suburban atmosphere in proximity to the big city will be right at home in Chevy Chase.

Units for Rent
1 Available Units
The Willoughby
Total Sq Ft
Building Type
The Willoughby of Chevy Chase
Property Manager
The Willoughby stands as a prominent fixture in Friendship Village, offering a blend of urban convenience and suburban comfort. Completed in 1982, this 16-story condominium complex houses 750 units, catering to a diverse range of residents. Its location at the crossroads of city life and residential tranquility makes it an attractive option for those seeking a balance between bustling activity and peaceful living. The building's design, while not architecturally remarkable, provides a functional and comfortable living environment for its residents.
The Willoughby is a condominium located in Montgomery and the 20815 ZIP Code. This area is served by the Montgomery County attendance zone.
Building Amenities
- 24 Hour Access
- Air Conditioning
- Balcony
- Concierge
- Fitness Center
- Laundry Facilities
- Pool
- Heating
- Kitchen
- Hardwood Floors
- Refrigerator
- Oven
- Tub/Shower
- Views
- Roof Terrace
- Elevator
- Freezer
College & Universities Distance
The Willoughby is within 4 minutes or 2.3 miles from American University. It is also near Univ. District of Columbia and GWU, Mount Vernon.
Out of 10
Out of 10
Out of 10
Out of 10
Out of 10
Out of 10
School data provided by Great Schools The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on a scale of 1 (below average) to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider family needs as part of the school selection process.
Transit/Subway Distance
Commuter Rail Distance
Airports Distance
Points of Interest
Shopping Centers Distance
Parks & Recreation Distance
Hospitals Distance
Nearby Condo Buildings
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