Alabama maisons par quartiers
- Airmont
- Alden Glen
- Alderbrook
- Alderbrook
- Alpine Hills
- Altadena South
- Amberwood Forest
- Angela Acres
- Anslee Farms
- Apple Valley
- Arlington
- Arlington Farms
- Arlington-West End
- Arrowhead
- Ashbury
- Ashland
- Ashley Estates
- Ashton Place
- Ashton Springs
- Aspen Ridge
- Astro World
- Autumn Lane
- Autumn Ridge
- Avalon
- Aview
- Avondale
- Avondale Acres
- Bailey Estates
- Bainbridge
- Baker
- Baltimore
- Barnisdale Forest
- Bartonville
- Bayou Shores
- Beardendale
- Beauvoir Gardens
- Bell Meadows
- Bellefield
- Bellehurst
- Belview Heights
- Bentbrook
- Bentbrook Estates
- Berkleigh
- Berkley Hills
- Berkshire Hills
- Bermuda Lakes
- Blackstone
- Blue Haven
- Blue Hole Village Skybox
- Bluewood Estates
- Bluff Park Meadow
- Bon Air
- Bon Air Estates
- Bon Air North
- Brentwood Acres
- Bridge Creek Reserve
- Bridle Brook Farms
- Brighton Park
- Bristol Creek
- Brittany Place
- Brookhaven
- Brookhill Meadows
- Brookhurst
- Brooklane Place
- Brookview Manor
- Brookwood
- Brown Springs
- Brummitt Heights
- Brunswick
- Buckeye Bend
- Buckingham
- Burtonville
- Burwell Gardens
- Bush Hills
- Byram Heights
- Cahaba Heights
- Cahaba Valley Estates
- Cambrian Ridge
- Camden Cove
- Camel Rock
- Camellia Estates
- Camelot
- Candle Brook Downs
- Canterbury
- Canterbury Heights
- Capitol Heights
- Capleswood
- Carillo Bay
- Carlin Heights
- Carriage Hills
- Carriage Station
- Carrington
- Carver Highlands
- Cedar Crest
- Cedar Crest
- Cedars
- Centennial Hill
- Center Crest
- Central Park
- Central Pratt
- Chanda Terrace
- Chapel Hills
- Chapelwood
- Chase Springs
- Chatham Crest
- Chelsea Park
- Chelsea Station
- Cherokee Bend
- Chesapeake
- Churchill
- Claremont
- Clarks Spring
- Cleveland
- Cloverdale - Fairmont
- Cloverdale Estates
- Cloverdale/Idlewild
- Cody
- Colinwood Estates
- College Hills
- College Park
- Collegeville
- Colony Place
- Cosby Hills
- Cottage Hill
- Cottage Hill Historic District
- Cottage Park Estates
- Country Club
- Country Club Village
- Covington Villas
- Creekside at Hardiman Place
- Creekwood of Creekwood
- Crescent Heights
- Crestdale Garden
- Crestline
- Crestline Park
- Crestview
- Crestview Heights
- Crestwood North
- Crestwood South
- Cross Creek
- Cross Creek
- Crossgatge Condominiums
- Cypress Shores
- Dallas Mills-Five Points
- Darwin Downs
- Davis Hills
- Dawes Oak
- Deer Ridge Lakes
- Deerfoot Pointe
- D'Iberville
- Dilworth Estates
- Dog River Tributar
- Donahue Crossing
- Double Tree
- Downtown Auburn
- Downtown Birmingham
- Downtown Decatur
- Downtown Florence
- Downtown Mobile
- Downtown Montgomery
- Downtown Tuscaloosa
- Druid Hills
- Druid Hills
- East Birmingham
- East Brownville
- East Ridge
- East Tuscaloosa
- East Village Chickas
- Eastbrook
- Eastfield at Homestead
- Eastlake
- Eastwood Park
- Echo Highlands
- Edenton Condominiums
- Edgemont
- Edge-o-town
- Edgewater
- Edgewood
- Edmonton Heights
- Elsmeade
- Englewood Meadows
- English Village Condominiums
- Enolam Oaks
- Enon Ridge
- Ensley
- Ensley Highlands
- Essex Square
- Evergreen
- Fagan Springs Estates
- Fairfield Highlands
- Fairfield Place
- Fairfield Village
- Fairhaven
- Fairview
- Falls Creek
- Farley-Oakhurst Place
- Fernwood Heights
- Fieldcrest
- Fisher Lake Estates
- Five Mile Creek Road
- Five Points Historic District
- Five Points South
- Forest Glen
- Forest Haven
- Forest Hills
- Forest Lakes
- Forest Park
- Forest Park Estates
- Fountain Heights Park
- Fox Hollow
- Fox Hollow
- Fox Run
- Foxfield
- Foxwood Trace
- Frasiers
- Freeport Estates
- Garden District
- Gardendale Estates
- Garland
- Gate City
- Gatewood
- Gayfer Estates Plantation
- Georgetown Square
- Georgia Avenue
- Germania Park
- Gingerwood Estates
- Gladlane Estate
- Glen Iris
- Glen Oaks
- Glen Park
- Glendale
- Gorgas
- Gourdneck
- Grand Farms
- Grand Ridge Forest
- Grant Place
- Grasselli Heights
- Green Acres
- Green Hill
- Green Hills
- Green Mountain Estates
- Greenlawn Plantation
- Greenmound
- Greenwich Hills
- Greystone Golf and Country Club
- Grove Park
- Gunter Landing
- Halcyon Summit
- Hampton Manor
- Harper Creek
- Hartwell Place
- Harvest Glen
- Harvest-Cluttsville
- Haskell Muller
- Heatherwood
- Heritage Hills
- Hickory Hill Estates
- Hickory Hills
- Hickory Ridge
- Hidden Creek
- Hidden Lake
- High Mountain Estates
- High Ridge Village
- Highcrest
- Highland Park
- Highland Park
- Highland Ridge
- Highlands
- Highlands of East
- Highpoint Estates
- Hillandale
- Hillcrest
- Hillman
- Hillman Estates
- Hillman Gardens
- Hillsdale
- Hilltop
- Hillview
- Hillwood
- Hillwood Estates
- Hillwood Manor
- Hillwood West
- Hollowbrook
- Home Place
- Homestead
- Hoover/Vestavia Hills
- Howard College Estates
- Huffman
- Hunters Crossing
- Hunting Ridge
- Huntington Place
- Huntington Woods
- Huntleigh
- Huntsville Park
- Idlewild
- Indian Valley
- Ingle Terrace
- Inglenook
- Inverness Cove
- Irondale Gardens
- Ironwood
- Irvin Place
- Isle Worth
- Lake Cyrus
- Lake Forest Estates
- Lakeview Heights
- Lakewood Historic District
- Lakewood Homes
- Lanier Lakes
- Laurenwood Preserve
- Laver Hills Estates
- Legacy Springs
- Legendwood Preserve
- Leinkauf
- Lenox South
- Letson Farms
- Lexington
- Lexington Oaks
- Liberty Manor Trails
- Lily Flagg Acres
- Lincoln Oaks
- Lincoln Park
- Lincoln Wood Lane
- Longleaf Crossing
- Longview Shady Grove
- Longviews
- Lost Tree Pointe
- Lourdes
- Loveless Park
- Lower Dauphin Street
- Lynnwood Park
- Madison at the Woodlands
- Madison Heights
- Madison Trace
- Magnolia Park
- Magnolia South
- Magnolia Village
- Malibar Heights
- Mallard Creek
- Manly Heights
- Manora Estates
- Maple Ridge
- Maplewood
- Maplewood Estates
- Martinwood Estates
- Maryvale
- Mathis Chase Estates
- Mauvilla Forest
- Maxwell Manor
- Mayfair
- Maysville
- Mccall Trace
- McVoy
- Meadow
- Meadow Green Village
- Meadow Lane Gardens
- Meadowgreen
- Melrose
- Meridianville Heights
- Mid Pines at Wynlakes
- Midtown Mobile
- Milkhouse
- Mill Creek Crossing
- Millers Creek
- Misty Acres
- Monrovia Acres
- Montgomery of South Irondale
- Montgomery Terrace
- Montreat Condominiums Community
- Montwood Estates
- Morningside
- Mount Laurel
- Mountain Brook
- Mountain Brook of Madison
- Mountain Gap Estates
- Muddy Creek
- Narrows Reach
- Navajo Hills
- Navajo Pines
- Navco
- Neely
- Nelson Heights
- Neshota
- Nevius
- Newson Fairview
- Nolandale
- North
- North Auburn
- North Birmingham
- North Eastlake
- North Pratt
- Northpointe
- Northport-North of River
- Northside Plaza
- Norwood
- Nottingham Townhomes
- Oak Hills
- Oak Park
- Oak Ridge Park
- Oak Valley
- Oakleigh
- Oakleigh Woods
- Oaks
- Oakwood Place
- Oakwood Village
- Old Cloverdale
- Old Ivy
- Old Towne Station
- Old Town-Twickenham
- Overlook
- Overlook Estates
- Overton
- Owens
- Oxford
- Oxmoor Glen
- Panorama Trace
- Paradise Valley
- Park Courts
- Park Place
- Parkhill
- Parkside
- Pebble Brook
- Pecan Grove Estates
- Penfield Park
- Perry Hill Homes
- Perrydale Loop
- Phillips Creek
- Pike Farms
- Pine Brook Lakes
- Pine Run
- Pinecrest Manor
- Pinehaven
- Pinewood
- Pinewood Shores
- Plainview
- Plantation Manor
- Plantation South
- Plantation South Condominiums
- Pleasant Valley
- Potter's Mill
- Powderly
- Primrose Heights
- Princeton Woods
- Pughs Village
- Rapier
- Rays End
- Red Creek
- Redstone
- Regency Forest
- Regency Park
- Regent Forest
- Research Station
- Reserve at Timberline
- Reston Place
- Richelieu
- Rickarby
- Ridgepoint
- Riley
- Rising-West Princeton
- Riverton Estates
- Riviera
- Rock Creek
- Roebuck
- Roebuck Garden Estates
- Roebuck Park
- Roebuck Springs Historic District
- Rolling Acres
- Rolling Estates
- Rolling Hill
- Rolling Meadows
- Roosevelt
- Rosser Cove
- Rosser Farms
- Russet Meadows
- S Highlands-E Lake Dist
- Saddle Ridge
- Saddlebrook
- Sagestone at Taylor Lakes
- Sagewood
- Sagewood Place
- Sand Ridge
- Sandhurst Park
- Sandusky
- Sandusky Heights
- Scenic Hill
- Scenic Hills
- Sea Cliff South Condominiums
- Seth Johnson Estates
- Seventh Street
- Shades Cahaba Estates
- Shadow Bend
- Shadow Creek
- Shady Heights
- Shady Lane
- Shannon Heights
- Shawnee Terrace
- Sheldon
- Shelton Station
- Sherman Heights
- Sherwood
- Sherwood
- Sherwood Forest
- Sherwood Park
- Shiloh Creek
- Siena Vista
- Silver Creek
- Silver Creek
- Silver Hills South
- Silver Run
- Skyland Park
- Skyland-McFarland
- Slaughter
- Sleepy Hollow
- Smithfield
- South Auburn
- South Central Huntsville
- South East Lake Historic District
- South Eastlake
- South Highland of East Lake
- South Highlands
- South Hull
- South Montgomery
- South Riverchase
- South Roebuck
- South Woodlawn
- Southern Acres
- Southern Pines
- Southern Trace Cottages
- Southgate
- Southpark Estates
- Southside
- Southwest Huntsville
- Southwind
- Southwood Manor
- Spring Grove
- Spring Lake
- Springbrook
- Stadium Place
- Stallion Run
- Stanton Place
- Steeplechase
- Stone Crest
- Stone Park
- Stoney Meadows
- Stoneybrooke Plantation
- Stratton Square
- Sturbridge
- Summer Oaks Townhomes
- Summit Lakes
- Sun Dale Estates
- Sun Valley
- Sunrise Valley Estates
- Sunset Valley
- Sunshine Acres
- Sweetwater Oaks
- Taylor Crossing
- Taylor Lakes
- Tennessee Land
- Terrace Hills
- Terry Heights
- The Cedars
- The Dairy at Oak Grove
- The Enclave
- The Estates
- The Oaks
- The Oaks of Buena Vista
- The Ridges of Wellington
- The Strip
- The Village at Magnolia
- Thorington Terrace of Corner
- Thornblade
- Thornton Acres
- Tillmans Corner
- Timber Ridge
- Timberland Trace
- Titusville
- Trail Bend
- Triana Estates
- Tulsa Park
- Turtle Creek
- Tuxedo Heights
- Twin Oaks
- Tyler Loop Cove
- Valley at Brookstone
- Valley Brook
- Valley Park Homes
- Valley View Estates
- Valleybrook
- Village at Polo Crossings
- Village of the Hills
- Villages at Westover
- Villas at Moore Farm
- Villas Belvedere
- Vineland Park
- Vista Ridge
- Wahouma
- Wakefield
- Wakefield
- Warwick
- Washington Square
- Waterford Village
- Weeden Heights Weeden Place
- West Boylston
- West End Estates
- West End Highlands
- West End Manor
- West Highlands
- West Huntsville
- West Lawn
- West Montgomery
- West Park Manor
- West Tuscaloosa
- West Village
- Western Woods
- Westfield
- Westhill
- Westlake
- Westmont
- Westwood Estate
- Westwood Estates
- Westwood Garden Estates
- Williams William Estates
- Willow Cove
- Willow Park Estates
- Willow Pointe
- Willows at the River Landing
- Wind Dance Estates
- Windsor Drive
- Windsor Gardens
- Windsor Manor
- Woodland Estate
- Woodland Forest Estates
- Woodland Heights
- Woodland Ridge Estates
- Woodlawn
- Woodlawn
- Woodridge South
- Woodstock Heights
- Wylam
- Wynbrook
- Wyndridge Villas
- Wynlakes