Wisconsin appartements par quartiers
- Alcott Park
- Allendale
- Allied
- Alpine Meadows
- Alverno
- American Colony
- Amherst
- Andrew Warren Historic District
- Applegate West
- Appleton Village
- Arbor Hills
- Arlington Heights
- Armory
- Astor
- Astor East River
- Autumn Grove
- Avenues West
- Badger Prairie
- Baird Creek
- Baran Park
- Baskerville
- Bay Creek
- Beaumonde
- Beerline
- Bennett Hill
- Berkeley Oaks
- Berwyn Lawns
- Bi Centennial Estates
- Birchwood
- Bluemound Heights
- Borchert Field
- Bradley Estates
- Bram's Addition
- Brentwood Village
- Brew Manor
- Brewer's Hill
- Brewery District
- Briar Crest
- Bridge - Lakepoint
- Bridge Landing
- Bridle Ridge
- Bristol Village
- Broadway District
- Broadway Heights
- Brookfield Hills
- Brooks Estates
- Buchner Park
- Buena Park
- Burleigh Meadows
- Burnham Park
- Burr Oaks
- Butterfly Fields
- Caledonia
- Calumet Farms
- Cambridge Heights
- Cannery District
- Cannon Park
- Capelle
- Capitol Acres
- Capitol Heights
- Capitol Highlands
- Capitol View Heights
- Carpenter-Ridgeway
- Casaloma Creek Townhomes
- Cass-King St Historic District
- Castle Manor
- Cedar Forest
- Central Green Bay
- Century City
- Chapel Hil
- Charlotte Quentins
- City Hall
- City of Fond du Lac
- City Park Historic District
- Clarke Square
- Cleveland Park
- Clock Tower Acres
- College Avenue Historic District
- Colony Oaks
- Columbus
- Columbus Park
- Concordia
- Concordia Heights
- Cooper Park
- Country Manor
- Courthouse District
- Coyle Highlands
- Craig Estates
- Crawford Woods
- Creek Valley
- Crestwood
- Crestwood Acres
- Davids Park
- Dineen Park
- Door Creek
- Downer Woods
- Downtown Appleton
- Downtown Beloit
- Downtown Eau Claire
- Downtown Elm Grove
- Downtown Fond du Lac
- Downtown Green Bay
- Downtown Kenosha
- Downtown Kenosha Core
- Downtown La Crosse
- Downtown Little Chute
- Downtown Madison
- Downtown Middleton
- Downtown Oshkosh
- Downtown Racine
- Downtown Sheboygan
- Downtown Waukesha
- Downtown Wausau
- Downtown West Bend
- Drumlin Glen Condominiums
- Dudgeon-Monroe
- Durham Meadows
- East De Pere
- East Hill
- East Madison
- East Morland
- East View Heights
- Eastern Green Bay
- Eighth Street Historic District
- Eisner
- Eken Park
- Elmwood
- Emerald Ridge
- Emerald Terrace
- Emerson East
- Encore Townhomes
- End Park
- Endee
- Enderis Park
- English Meadows
- Erie Hill
- Esser Point
- Estabrook Park
- Euclid Park
- Evergreen Valley
- Fair Park
- Falcon Heights
- Fernwood
- Fields of Delavan
- Firemans Park
- First Settlement
- Florence Park
- Florist Highlands
- Fond Du Lac Avenue Park
- Forest Glen
- Forest Home Hills
- Forest Park-Kenosha
- Forest River
- Forest Run
- Fort Howard
- Fountain Square Condominiums
- Fourth Western Acres
- Fox Point Suburban Acres
- Fox Ridge
- Fox River Heights
- Franklin Heights
- Gale Crest Park
- Garden
- Garden Homes
- Garfield Heights
- Gateway
- Gateway
- Gateway
- Gateway-Dane
- Georgetown South
- Germania Park
- Glacier Valley
- Glen Oak Hills
- Glenwood
- Glenwood Park
- Golden Meadows
- Golden Plover Estate
- Golden Valley
- Graceland
- Grand View Park
- Grandview Commons
- Grangedale
- Grant
- Grantosa
- Grantosa Heights
- Grantosa Highlands
- Granville Station
- Gra-Ram
- Grasslyn Manor
- Green Ridge Terrace
- Greenbush
- Greendale Center
- Greenfield Heights Estates
- Greenway Station
- Groveland
- Grover Heights
- Halyard Park
- Hammond Oaks
- Hampton Heights
- Harawbee
- Harbor Park Condominiums
- Harbor View
- Harborside
- Harrison Park
- Hartridge
- Hawks Ridge Estates
- Hawthorne
- Haymarket
- Heather Grove Condominiums
- Hiawatha Heights
- Hidden Crossing
- High Point Estates
- High Point Heights
- High Point Woods
- Highland
- Highland Manor
- Highland Park
- Highland View
- Highview Meadows
- Highwood Estates
- Hill Farms-University
- Hill View Place
- Hillcrest
- Hillside
- Hillside Village
- Hilltop Heights
- Historic La Crosse CBD
- Historic Mitchell Street
- Historic Third Ward
- Hoboken Beach
- Homehurst
- Homewood
- Honey Creek Parkway
- Horeb Heights
- Horton Hills
- Howard Village Center
- Hudson Meadows
- Humboldt Park
- Jackson Park
- James Madison Park
- Jefferson
- Johnson Street Bend
- Johnson's Woods
- Johnston Park
- Juneau Town
- Kelly Pointe
- Kendal Creek Condominiums
- Kenwood Park
- Kettle Creek
- Kinseys Garvendale
- Kiwanis Park
- KMD South
- KMD West
- Kops Park
- Kuehne Park
- Lake Country Industrial Park
- Lake Crest
- Lake Park Reserve
- Lakeview Hills
- Lakeview-Dane
- Lavender Downs
- Lawson Canal
- Layton Acres
- Layton Boulevard
- Legend Acres
- Lincoln Avenue Heights
- Lincoln Creek
- Lincoln Park
- Lincoln Park-Kenosha
- Lincoln Village
- Linden Park
- Lindsay Park
- Lisbon Avenue Heights
- Long View
- Longwood Parksites
- Lookout Hill
- Lower East Side
- MacArthur Heights
- Madison Park Heights
- Main Street
- Maitland Park
- Mandale Manor
- Mansion Hill
- Maple Grove
- Maple Leaf Condominiums
- Maple Tree
- Maple Woods
- Mariner's Pointe
- Marion Ridge
- Marquette
- Marquette-Dane
- Martin Drive
- Mayfair Park
- McAuliffe Park
- McGeoch Highlands
- McGovern Park
- Meade Meadows East
- Meadow Lark Estates
- Meadow Park Heights
- Meadowbrook
- Meadowood
- Meadowood's Scenic Heights
- Meadowood's Sky View Meadows
- Memorial Park
- Menlo Park
- Menomonee River Hills
- Menomonee River Hills East
- Mequon Trail Townhomes
- Merrill Park
- Metcalfe Park
- Metropolitan Heights
- Middleton Hills
- Midtown Milwaukee
- Midvale Heights
- Mifflin
- Miller Valley
- Millwood Park
- Milwaukee River Parkway
- Minooka Parkway Estates
- Mira Loma
- Mission Hills South
- Misty Valley
- Mitchell Heights
- Mitchell Park
- Mitchell West
- Monterey
- Morgan Grove
- Morgan Heights
- Morgandale
- Mount Mary
- Mount Pleasant
- Murray Hill
- Muskegg Way
- Nagawicka Lake Heights
- Nash
- Navarino
- Near North
- Nesbitt Valley
- New Butler
- New Port Vista
- Nichols North Park
- Normandy Park
- North Barstow
- North Cape Commons
- North Division
- North Flats
- North Main Street Historic District
- North Meadow
- North Milwaukee
- North Point
- North Shore
- North Shore Park
- Northbreeze Estates
- Northgate
- Northpoint
- Northridge Lakes
- Northside
- Northwood Park
- Oak Park Terrace
- Oak Ridge
- Oak Ridge Acres
- Oakdale
- Oakland Avenue Heights
- Oakwood Grove
- Old Main Street Historic District
- Old Market Place
- Old North Milwaukee
- Olde Main Street District
- Olde North
- Olde Norwood
- Orchard Ridge
- Oregon Parks
- Outer Verona
- Overlook Lakes
- Painted Post Estates
- Palo Alto
- Paperjack Place
- Park Meadow
- Park Ridge
- Park Shore Condominiums
- Park West
- Parkside
- Parkside Heights
- Parkwood Estates
- Parquelynn Village
- Pebble Valley
- Perkins Park
- Petretti
- Pewaukee Park Hills
- Pierce Far Eastern Suburbs
- Pigeon River
- Pine Creek
- Pleasant Hill
- Pleasant Valley
- Polonia
- Poplar Creek Condominiums
- Potawatomi Estates
- Prairie View Homes Condominiums
- Prentice Prairie
- Progress Park
- Providence
- Providence Village Condominiums
- Prussian Heights
- Rainbow Lake Manor
- Rapids Drive
- Red Arrow
- Regal Pointe Condominiums
- Regent
- Reindahl Park
- Residence Park
- Reston Heights
- Ribich Pine View Heights
- Ridgewood Heights
- Ridgewood Valley
- River Crossing
- River Edge Estates
- River Watch
- Riverdale
- Riverfront
- Rivers Edge
- Rivers Turn
- Rivershire
- Riverside Park
- Riverwest
- Robert William Park
- Rolling Green
- Rolling Hills
- Rolling Meadows
- Roosevelt
- Roosevelt Grove
- Rose Crest
- Rufus King
- Rustic Acres
- Saeman Cross Plains
- Sak's Woods
- Sallie Ann Estates
- Sauk Heights
- Schenk Park
- Schlitz Park
- Schmitt Park
- Secret Places at Siggelkow Preserve
- Seymour Park
- Sheboygan Falls/Kohler
- Sherman
- Sherman Park
- Sherman Terrace
- Sherrytown
- Shorecrest
- Shorecrest Manor
- Shorewood
- Shorewood Park
- Shorewood/Whitefish Bay
- Silver City
- Silver Spring
- Silver Spring Park
- Skyline
- Smith's Crossing
- Somerset Meadows
- Somona Park Place
- South Appleton
- South Barstow
- South Highland Park
- South Lake
- South Madison
- South Pier
- South Towne Village Parkside
- South View
- Southpoint
- Southside Historic District
- Southview Ward
- Spring Lake Condominiums
- Springbrook Circle at Oak Creek
- Springs
- Springs at Kenosha
- St Croix Far Eastern Suburbs
- St Joseph's
- St Peter's
- St. Mary's Central
- Starlite
- State Street
- Stocker
- Stone Crest Estates
- Stone Gate Condominiums
- Stonepine
- Stoneridge
- Story Hill
- Stratton Ridge
- Sturtevant
- Sturtevant Village
- Suburban Fond du Lac
- Summit Ridge
- Sunbrook Condominiums
- Sunset Boulevard
- Sunset Heights
- Sunset Heights-Waukesha
- Sunset Village
- Supreme Heights
- Swan Creek
- Swenson
- Swift
- Sylvan Estates
- Sylvan Meadows Condominiums
- Tank Park
- Tenney-Lapham
- The Concord
- The Downs of West Meadowood
- The Falls at Pike Creek
- The Flats
- The Gables of Eau Claire
- The Heritage
- The Meadowlands
- The Porticos of Fox Point
- The Sanctuary of Woodshire
- The Village
- The Windsor
- Third Lake Ridge Historic District
- Three Corners
- Thurston Woods
- Timmerman West
- Tippecanoe
- Tobacco Warehouse
- Town & Country Manor
- Town of Lake
- Triangle
- Triangle North
- Underwood
- University Heights
- Upper East Side
- Uptown District
- Uptown Kenosha
- Uptown Milwaukee
- Uptown Racine
- Valhalla
- Valley View
- Vilas
- Villa Capri
- Village at Autumn Lake
- Village View Heights
- Vincent Park
- Vista Ridge
- Vogel Park
- Wahl Park
- Walker's Point
- Walldale
- Walnut Hill
- Washington
- Washington Heights
- Washington Highlands
- Washington North
- Washington Park
- Water Street District
- Waterford Glen
- Waters Edge South
- Wausau River District
- Wauwatosa/West Allis
- Wegner Park
- Wellington
- Wentwood Acres
- West De Pere
- West Fair Oaks
- West Lawn Park
- West Madison District
- West Meadowood Hills
- West Pleasant Acres Estates
- West Prairie Village
- West Rail
- West View
- West View Heights
- Western Avenue Park
- Westgrove
- Westmorland
- Westown
- Westridge Estates
- Westview
- Westview Terrace
- Westwood Valley Estates
- Whispering Hills
- White Caps
- White Manor
- Wigwam Shores
- Wilbur Estates
- Wilder Park
- Willabay Woods
- Williamsburg Heights
- Williamsport
- Wilson
- Winchesters
- Wingra Park
- Winnebago Rapids
- Woodland Heights Manor
- Woodlawn
- Woodlawn Terrace
- Worthington Park
- Wyndham Hills
- Wyrick Park