How are renters choosing their next residence? A recent survey from Apartments.com shines a spotlight on renters’ priorities and motivations. The survey was conducted in September 2024 with over 30,000 people across the U.S. who plan to rent their next place. Among the top takeaways, renters ranked price and safety as their primary considerations when selecting a place to live.
Affordability is a top driver for moving
Why are renters looking to move? Affordability was the most common reason. Rounding out the top three reasons, renters said they were looking for a better location and needed a larger space.
Thirty-eight percent of renters said they expected to complete their move by early spring.
Convenient location follows price and safety as a top consideration
Consistent with past surveys, renters identified price as their primary consideration when selecting their next rental residence. Nearly eight in 10 chose price as one of the top three considerations. Half of renters cited safety and security as a top priority, and nearly four in 10 want to live close to work, school, family, or friends.
Online tools outrank other search options
What are the tools renters turn to when looking for their next rental home? Three-quarters said they used a rental search app or website, while over half cited apartment community websites. The third most commonly cited tool, the search engine, was selected by 44 percent of respondents.
In-person strategies still matter, and over a third of respondents reported talking to friends and family to find a rental. Even so, this option ranked significantly lower than the top online tools.
Over a third of renters are likely to lease sight unseen
With online tools playing such an important role in renters’ search process, an onsite visit isn’t a requirement for all renters. A full 37 percent of renters described themselves as moderately to extremely likely to rent their next place sight unseen.
This is thanks in part to renters’ online research. Armed with a wealth of information, these renters feel sufficiently informed to select their next rental residence.
Renters expect to see detailed information
When evaluating online listings for their next place, renters want to see as much detail as possible. Nearly all — 99 percent — ranked unit-specific information as important, and 97 percent said that online ratings and reviews affected their decision.
Of the unit-specific details that make the most impact, renters cited price, photos, and availability. More than half of renters also want to see unit-specific floor plans, features (such as in-unit appliances and materials), a description of the unit, square footage and room dimensions, and floor level within the building.
Specific fee information is also helpful to renters. Overwhelmingly, renters prefer to see a total price with all fees included rather than a base price. Only 14 percent prefer to see a base price, and 6 percent have no preference.
In-person tours remain popular, but most renters want virtual options, too
Renters are interested in multiple touring options. The traditional in-person tour with a leasing person remains the most popular option, with 92 percent of respondents reporting that they would be interested in this approach. Self-guided tours are close behind, with interest among 90 percent of renters.
But virtual options have widespread appeal, with over half of renters expressing interest in these options.
Nearly two-thirds of renters want to tour virtually on their own, such as through a 3D tour. And 58 percent are interested in taking a virtual tour with a leasing agent, such as through a videocall.
Email is the preferred means of communication
When it comes to contacting the property for more information, 67 percent of renters want to send an email. In-person communication comes in a close second, with 65 percent of renters interested in this option. And a majority of renters, 57 percent, are still interested in talking by phone.
What about texting and chatting? As long as it’s with a real-live person on your leasing team rather than an automated service, a full 39 percent of renters would like to send a text, and 29 percent would like to use chat or instant messaging.
Explore more renter insights
Want to dive deeper into renter habits and preferences? Watch the video to discover who’s looking to move, what renters want to know about your communities, and how the apartment search process has changed.
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