Not sure where to turn? There’s a three-digit code to dial in Canada.
The 211 helpline, run by the organization United Way Centraide Canada, is a one-stop shop to connect residents with local resources, such as housing, medical care, schools, and more. The free, confidential helpline is available 24/7 and offers interpretation in over 150 languages.
Serving millions of multifamily residents and others across Canada, United Way Centraide is the latest recipient of $10,000 from Apartments.com in this year’s ThanksGifting campaign.
Hear about the essential support the 211 helpline provides:
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Personalized support, just a phone call away
Caption: The 211 helpline serves over 2 million Canadians each year, including many who live in multifamily communities. Image courtesy of United Way Centraide.
Inspired by a helpline that was first launched in Los Angeles County in the U.S., the 211 helpline has been in operation in Canada since 2001. It covers all 10 provinces and three territories. Serving over 2 million Canadians each year, 211 guides callers to resources in their surrounding community and neighborhood.
And unlike an internet search, a call to 211 offers a human voice on the other end of the line.
“It makes a real difference,” said United Way Centraide’s Judy Shum, “especially when you’re in a vulnerable situation.”
Shum is the national director of 211 and community partnerships.
Calls to the helpline are answered by navigators, people who are trained to lend an empathetic ear. Although calls cover a range of questions, the top needs include housing and mental health.
“211 often acts as the front door for people to access different kinds of mental health services,” Shum said.
Caption: Phone calls to the 211 helpline are answered by navigators, who listen to callers’ needs and connect them to resources in their area. The confidential helpline is available 24/7. Image courtesy of United Way Centraide.
Spreading awareness
Multifamily communities play a vital role in helping residents learn that the 211 helpline is available to them.
“Apartment communities often have very good communication mechanisms,” Shum said.
If your property wants to get the word out, consider putting up flyers and posters in common spaces. You can also list the 211 helpline in your resident portal. Digital promotional materials are available to download from the 211 website, and you can order printed materials as well. Materials can vary by local territory or province.
With the $10,000 donation from Apartments.com, United Way Centraide will expand its outreach efforts to ensure that those most in need of support know that it’s available. The funds will also go to improving the nationwide database that 211 navigators rely on.
“You want to make sure that the information provided is accurate,” Shum said.
A lifeline during lockdowns
During the COVID-19 pandemic, 211 offered seniors in British Columbia an important connection to the outside world.
“211 was the go-to number,” Shum said.
Seniors suddenly confined to their apartments used the helpline to connect with volunteers who would bring them groceries and medication.
Breaking down barriers
As a bilingual organization, United Way Centraide operates primarily in English and French, and “Centraide” is the French equivalent of “United Way.” To expand its reach to speakers of other languages, including recent immigrants, the 211 helpline includes interpretation in a total of over 150 languages.
And callers who face additional challenges, like lack of transportation or illiteracy, can also find services that meet their needs.
The 211 helpline is just one part of United Way Centraide’s efforts to bring people together.
“Our purpose is to serve those experiencing vulnerability in our communities,” Shum said, “with the vision of creating an equitable future for all.”
ThanksGifting: a month of giving back
Celebrated every November, ThanksGifting is an annual campaign by Apartments.com to honor nonprofit organizations working with the multifamily industry. Our donations support these organizations’ efforts across the U.S. and Canada.
Learn more about United Way Centraide and how your properties can support its mission. And don’t forget to check out 211 on the web, where you can find localized resources for your province or territory, such as promotional materials to share with your residents.
Get to know the other recipients of this year’s campaign:
- Hatching Hope helps multifamily residents recover from disasters. Meet Hatching Hope.
- Move for Hunger fights hunger and waste by coordinating with apartment communities and movers to redirect food to local food banks. Meet Move for Hunger.
- Entryway combats homelessness by offering at-risk individuals a path to housing and economic stability through a career in the multifamily industry. Meet Entryway.
You decide: Which charity should receive $10,000 from Apartments.com?
Do you know of a charity that does important work? Let us know! The nonprofit organization you choose could receive a $10,000 donation in your name, courtesy of Apartments.com.
Enter our giveaway, which closes November 30, for your chance to nominate a nonprofit organization that matters to you.