Inland Real Estate

79 Communities
19,689 Units
58 Cities
27 Corporate Communities
4 Student Communities

All community data is sourced from listings and may not represent this company's complete portfolio.

Inland Real Estate Community Portfolio


Top Cities Where Inland Real Estate Operates

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Although surrounded by inhospitable desert, Phoenix is one of the largest cities in the United States, and the nation’s single largest state capital city. The area contains numerous galleries and museums, putting the people in contact with everything from the European masters to Native American craftsmanship to modern originals from Phoenix’s diverse artistic community. The Downtown cultural scene has developed into a top-notch feast of visual and performing arts, with symphony performances, live theater, and the popular First Friday exhibitions. Phoenix is also an excellent city for sports fans, being one of the few cities in America with local franchises in the NFL, MLB, NBA, and NHL. Several thousand students attend the two Arizona State University campuses in the city, as well as the over-50,000 who attend the main campus in neighboring Tempe. Rental rates for apartments average around $1000 per month, but numerous more affordable options are available all over the city, from quiet houses for rent in the suburbs to downtown efficiency apartments. Getting around Phoenix is typically done by car for most residents, but a light rail system makes it easy to get across town without a personal vehicle; Downtown and its surrounding areas are quite walkable as well.

Lakewood city image


Located on US-6, Lakewood, Colorado offers a quiet retreat 20 minutes west of downtown Denver. Known for its cozy atmosphere and outdoor escapes, Lakewood is the place to be. If you’re looking for an apartment with convenient access to outdoor fun, Lakewood is the perfect place for you with its overflow of parks. For biking and hiking, visit Kendrick Lake Park, Addenbrooke, or the William F. Hayden Green Mountain Park. This family-friendly neighborhood offers everything from a quaint shopping experience to golfing and breweries. If you’re looking for some evening entertainment, catch a show at the famous Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater right outside the border of the suburb. With gorgeous views of the Rocky Mountain foothills for inspiration, Lakewood has a lively art scene. The suburb is a Certified Colorado Creative District with more than 20 public art installations, 12 galleries, and multiple performing arts centers in the heart of town. Hang your hat away from the bustling excitement of downtown Denver by renting in Lakewood, Colorado.

Oklahoma City city image

Oklahoma City

Oklahoma City is a thriving city right at the heart of Oklahoma. The city’s thriving economy is complemented by its exciting nightlife and entertainment options. Downtown is home to the Myriad Botanical Gardens and the Oklahoma City Zoo, two extremely popular family-friendly attractions. The Myriad Gardens also include the Oklahoma Shakespeare in the Park production at the Water Stage. The Oklahoma City Thunder has built a dedicated fan base, and things always get pretty wild around the Chesapeake Arena on game days. The arts community is quite active with galleries, museums, theater productions, and a music scene incorporating everything from underground alternative bands to the Oklahoma City Philharmonic. The city has been expanding in recent years, and Oklahoma City proper is much easier to get around with public transportation than most other cities in the region, including rail service. Oklahoma City is one of the least expensive metropolitan areas in the nation, and rental rates for apartments, condos, and rental houses tend to be very affordable.