California apartments by city
- Acton [New]
- Adelanto [New]
- Adin [New]
- Agoura Hills [New]
- Agua Dulce [New]
- Alameda [New]
- Alamo [New]
- Albany [New]
- Alhambra [New]
- Aliso Viejo [New]
- Alpine [New]
- Alpine Meadows [New]
- Alta Loma [New]
- Altadena [New]
- Alturas [New]
- Alviso [New]
- American Canyon [New]
- Anaheim [New]
- Anaheim Hills [New]
- Anderson [New]
- Angels Camp [New]
- Angwin [New]
- Antelope [New]
- Antioch [New]
- Apple Valley [New]
- Aptos [New]
- Arcadia [New]
- Arcata [New]
- Arleta [New]
- Armona [New]
- Arrowhead Farms [New]
- Arroyo Grande [New]
- Artesia [New]
- Arvin [New]
- Atascadero [New]
- Atherton [New]
- Atwater [New]
- Auburn [New]
- Auburn Lake Trails [New]
- Avalon [New]
- Avila Beach [New]
- Avocado Heights [New]
- Azusa [New]
- Bakersfield [New]
- Baldwin Park [New]
- Banning [New]
- Barstow [New]
- Bass Lake [New]
- Bay Point [New]
- Bayside [New]
- Beaumont [New]
- Bell [New]
- Bell Canyon [New]
- Bell Gardens [New]
- Bellflower [New]
- Belmont [New]
- Belvedere [New]
- Ben Lomond [New]
- Benicia [New]
- Berkeley [New]
- Bermuda Dunes [New]
- Bethel Island [New]
- Beverly Hills [New]
- Big Bear [New]
- Big Bear City
- Big Bear Lake [New]
- Biggs [New]
- Bishop [New]
- Bloomington [New]
- Blue Lake [New]
- Blythe [New]
- Bodega Bay [New]
- Bodfish [New]
- Bonita [New]
- Bonsall [New]
- Boron [New]
- Borrego Springs [New]
- Boulder Creek [New]
- Brawley [New]
- Brea [New]
- Brentwood [New]
- Brisbane [New]
- Buellton [New]
- Buena Park [New]
- Burbank [New]
- Burlingame [New]
- Byron [New]
- Calabasas [New]
- Calexico [New]
- California City [New]
- Calimesa [New]
- Calipatria [New]
- Calistoga [New]
- Camarillo [New]
- Cambria [New]
- Cameron Park [New]
- Camino [New]
- Camp Pendleton
- Campbell [New]
- Campo
- Camptonville [New]
- Canoga Park [New]
- Canyon Country [New]
- Canyon Lake [New]
- Capistrano Beach
- Capitola [New]
- Cardiff [New]
- Cardiff By The Sea [New]
- Carlsbad [New]
- Carmel Valley [New]
- Carmel-by-the-Sea [New]
- Carmichael [New]
- Carnelian Bay [New]
- Carpinteria [New]
- Carson [New]
- Casmalia [New]
- Castaic [New]
- Castro Valley [New]
- Cathedral City [New]
- Cayucos [New]
- Cazadero [New]
- Cedar Glen [New]
- Ceres [New]
- Cerritos [New]
- Chatsworth [New]
- Cherry Valley [New]
- Chico [New]
- Chino [New]
- Chino Hills [New]
- Chowchilla [New]
- Chula Vista [New]
- Citrus Heights [New]
- City Ranch [New]
- Claremont [New]
- Clayton [New]
- Clearlake [New]
- Clearlake Oaks [New]
- Cloverdale [New]
- Clovis [New]
- Coachella [New]
- Coalinga [New]
- Coarsegold [New]
- Cobb [New]
- Colfax [New]
- Colma [New]
- Colton [New]
- Columbia [New]
- Commerce [New]
- Compton [New]
- Concord [New]
- Cool [New]
- Copperopolis [New]
- Corcoran [New]
- Corning [New]
- Corona [New]
- Corona Del Mar [New]
- Coronado [New]
- Corte Madera [New]
- Costa Mesa [New]
- Cotati [New]
- Coto De Caza [New]
- Cottonwood [New]
- Covina [New]
- Crescent City [New]
- Crestline [New]
- Crockett [New]
- Crows Landing
- Cudahy [New]
- Culver City [New]
- Cupertino [New]
- Cutler [New]
- Cypress [New]
- Daly City [New]
- Dana Point [New]
- Danville [New]
- Davis [New]
- Del Mar [New]
- Del Rey [New]
- Del Rey Oaks [New]
- Delano [New]
- Delhi [New]
- Denair [New]
- Desert Center [New]
- Desert Hot Springs [New]
- Devore Heights [New]
- Diamond Bar [New]
- Diamond Springs [New]
- Dinuba [New]
- Discovery Bay [New]
- Dixon [New]
- Dos Palos [New]
- Downey [New]
- Duarte [New]
- Dublin [New]
- Dunsmuir [New]
- Durham [New]
- East Garrison
- East Los Angeles [New]
- East Palo Alto [New]
- East Rancho Dominguez
- Eastvale [New]
- Echo Park
- Edwards
- El Cajon [New]
- El Centro [New]
- El Cerrito [New]
- El Dorado [New]
- El Dorado Hills [New]
- El Monte [New]
- El Segundo [New]
- El Sobrante [New]
- Elk Grove [New]
- Elverta [New]
- Emerald Hills [New]
- Emeryville [New]
- Empire [New]
- Encinitas [New]
- Encino [New]
- Escalon [New]
- Escondido [New]
- Esparto [New]
- Eureka [New]
- Exeter [New]
- Fair Oaks [New]
- Fairfax [New]
- Fairfield [New]
- Fallbrook [New]
- Farmersville [New]
- Farmington [New]
- Fawnskin [New]
- Felton [New]
- Fillmore [New]
- Firebaugh
- Fish Camp [New]
- Folsom [New]
- Fontana [New]
- Foothill Ranch [New]
- Forestville [New]
- Fortuna [New]
- Foster City [New]
- Fountain Valley [New]
- Fowler [New]
- Frazier Park [New]
- Freedom
- Fremont [New]
- French Camp [New]
- French Valley [New]
- Fresno [New]
- Friant [New]
- Fullerton [New]
- Galt [New]
- Garberville [New]
- Garden Grove [New]
- Gardena [New]
- Gerber [New]
- Geyserville [New]
- Gilroy [New]
- Glen Ellen [New]
- Glendale [New]
- Glendora [New]
- Gold River [New]
- Goleta [New]
- Granada Hills [New]
- Grand Terrace [New]
- Granite Bay [New]
- Grass Valley [New]
- Green Valley Lake [New]
- Greenbrae [New]
- Greenfield
- Greenwood [New]
- Gridley [New]
- Groveland [New]
- Grover Beach [New]
- Guadalupe [New]
- Guerneville [New]
- Gustine [New]
- Hacienda Heights [New]
- Half Moon Bay [New]
- Hanford [New]
- Harbor City [New]
- Hawaiian Gardens [New]
- Hawthorne [New]
- Hayward [New]
- Healdsburg [New]
- Heber [New]
- Helendale [New]
- Hemet [New]
- Hercules [New]
- Hermosa Beach [New]
- Hesperia [New]
- Hickman [New]
- Hidden Hills [New]
- Hidden Valley Lake [New]
- Highland [New]
- Highland Park
- Hillsborough [New]
- Hollister [New]
- Hollywood [New]
- Holtville [New]
- Homeland [New]
- Hughson [New]
- Huntington Beach [New]
- Huntington Park [New]
- Hydesville [New]
- Idyllwild
- Igo [New]
- Imperial [New]
- Imperial Beach [New]
- Indian Wells [New]
- Indio [New]
- Inglewood [New]
- Inyokern [New]
- Ione [New]
- Irvine [New]
- Isla Vista [New]
- Isleton [New]
- Jackson [New]
- Jamestown [New]
- Janesville [New]
- Johnson Valley [New]
- Joshua Tree [New]
- Julian [New]
- Jurupa Valley [New]
- Kelsey [New]
- Kelseyville [New]
- Kensington [New]
- Kentfield [New]
- Kenwood [New]
- Kerman [New]
- Keyes [New]
- Kingsburg [New]
- Kirkwood [New]
- La Canada Flintridge
- La Crescenta [New]
- La Crescenta-Montrose [New]
- La Habra [New]
- La Habra Heights [New]
- La Jolla [New]
- La Mesa [New]
- La Mirada [New]
- La Palma [New]
- La Puente [New]
- La Quinta [New]
- La Selva Beach [New]
- La Verne [New]
- Ladera Ranch [New]
- Lafayette [New]
- Laguna Beach [New]
- Laguna Hills [New]
- Laguna Niguel [New]
- Laguna Woods [New]
- Lake Arrowhead [New]
- Lake Balboa [New]
- Lake Elsinore [New]
- Lake Forest [New]
- Lake Hughes [New]
- Lake Isabella
- Lake Los Angeles [New]
- Lakeport [New]
- Lakeside [New]
- Lakeview [New]
- Lakewood [New]
- Lamont [New]
- Lancaster [New]
- Landers [New]
- Larkspur [New]
- Lathrop [New]
- Lawndale [New]
- Le Grand [New]
- Lebec [New]
- Lemon Grove [New]
- Lemoore [New]
- Lennox [New]
- Leona Valley [New]
- Lincoln [New]
- Lincoln Heights [New]
- Linda [New]
- Linden [New]
- Lindsay [New]
- Littlerock [New]
- Live Oak [New]
- Livermore [New]
- Livingston
- Lodi [New]
- Loleta [New]
- Loma Linda [New]
- Lomita [New]
- Lompoc [New]
- Long Beach [New]
- Loomis [New]
- Los Alamitos [New]
- Los Alamos [New]
- Los Altos [New]
- Los Altos Hills [New]
- Los Angeles [New]
- Los Banos [New]
- Los Feliz [New]
- Los Gatos [New]
- Los Molinos [New]
- Los Olivos [New]
- Los Osos
- Lost Hills [New]
- Lucerne Valley [New]
- Lynwood [New]
- Lytle Creek
- Madera [New]
- Magalia [New]
- Malibu [New]
- Mammoth Lakes [New]
- Manhattan Beach [New]
- Manteca [New]
- Mar Vista [New]
- March Air Reserve Base
- Maricopa [New]
- Marina [New]
- Marina Del Rey [New]
- Mariposa [New]
- Markleeville [New]
- Martinez [New]
- Marysville [New]
- Mather [New]
- Maywood [New]
- McFarland [New]
- Mckinleyville [New]
- Meadow Vista [New]
- Mecca [New]
- Mendocino [New]
- Menifee [New]
- Menlo Park [New]
- Mentone [New]
- Merced [New]
- Meridian [New]
- Midway City [New]
- Mill Valley [New]
- Millbrae [New]
- Milpitas [New]
- Mission Hills [New]
- Mission Viejo [New]
- Modesto [New]
- Mojave [New]
- Monarch Bay [New]
- Monrovia [New]
- Montara [New]
- Montclair [New]
- Monte Rio [New]
- Montebello [New]
- Montecito [New]
- Monterey [New]
- Monterey Park [New]
- Montrose [New]
- Moorpark [New]
- Moraga [New]
- Moreno Valley [New]
- Morgan Hill [New]
- Morongo Valley [New]
- Morro Bay [New]
- Moss Beach [New]
- Mountain Center [New]
- Mountain House [New]
- Mountain Ranch [New]
- Mountain View [New]
- Murrieta [New]
- Muscoy [New]
- Napa [New]
- National City [New]
- Needles [New]
- Nevada City [New]
- Newark [New]
- Newbury Park [New]
- Newhall [New]
- Newman [New]
- Newport Beach [New]
- Nice [New]
- Nicolaus [New]
- Nipomo [New]
- Norco [New]
- North Edwards [New]
- North Highlands [New]
- North Hills [New]
- North Hollywood [New]
- North Palm Springs [New]
- North Richmond [New]
- North San Juan [New]
- North Tustin
- Northridge [New]
- Norwalk [New]
- Novato [New]
- Oak Glen [New]
- Oak Hills [New]
- Oak Park [New]
- Oak View [New]
- Oakdale [New]
- Oakhurst [New]
- Oakland [New]
- Oakley [New]
- Occidental [New]
- Oceano [New]
- Oceanside [New]
- Ojai [New]
- Olivehurst [New]
- Olympic Valley
- Ontario [New]
- Orange [New]
- Orangevale [New]
- Orcutt [New]
- Orinda [New]
- Orland [New]
- Oro Grande
- Orosi [New]
- Oroville [New]
- Oxnard [New]
- Pacific Beach [New]
- Pacific Grove [New]
- Pacific Palisades [New]
- Pacifica [New]
- Pacoima [New]
- Paicines [New]
- Pala [New]
- Palm Desert [New]
- Palm Springs [New]
- Palmdale [New]
- Palo Alto [New]
- Palos Verdes Estates [New]
- Palos Verdes Peninsula
- Panorama City [New]
- Paradise [New]
- Paramount [New]
- Pasadena [New]
- Paso Robles [New]
- Patterson [New]
- Pebble Beach
- Penn Valley [New]
- Penngrove [New]
- Perris [New]
- Pescadero [New]
- Petaluma [New]
- Phelan [New]
- Phillips Ranch [New]
- Pico Rivera [New]
- Piedmont [New]
- Pine Grove [New]
- Pine Mountain Club [New]
- Pine Valley [New]
- Pinole [New]
- Pioneer [New]
- Pioneertown [New]
- Piru
- Pismo Beach [New]
- Pittsburg [New]
- Placentia [New]
- Placerville [New]
- Planada [New]
- Playa Del Rey [New]
- Playa Vista [New]
- Pleasant Hill [New]
- Pleasanton [New]
- Plumas Lake [New]
- Plymouth [New]
- Point Mugu Nawc
- Pollock Pines [New]
- Pomona [New]
- Port Hueneme [New]
- Porter Ranch [New]
- Porterville [New]
- Portola [New]
- Portola Valley [New]
- Potrero [New]
- Potter Valley [New]
- Poway [New]
- Prunedale [New]
- Ramona [New]
- Rancho Cordova [New]
- Rancho Cucamonga [New]
- Rancho Mirage [New]
- Rancho Mission Viejo [New]
- Rancho Murieta [New]
- Rancho Palos Verdes [New]
- Rancho Santa Fe [New]
- Rancho Santa Margarita [New]
- Red Bluff [New]
- Redding [New]
- Redlands [New]
- Redondo Beach [New]
- Redway [New]
- Redwood City [New]
- Reedley [New]
- Rescue [New]
- Reseda [New]
- Rialto [New]
- Richmond [New]
- Ridgecrest [New]
- Rio Dell [New]
- Rio Linda [New]
- Rio Nido [New]
- Rio Vista [New]
- Ripon [New]
- Riverbank [New]
- Riverside [New]
- Rocklin [New]
- Rodeo [New]
- Rohnert Park [New]
- Rolling Hills [New]
- Rolling Hills Estates [New]
- Romoland [New]
- Rosamond [New]
- Rosemead [New]
- Roseville [New]
- Ross [New]
- Rossmoor [New]
- Rough And Ready [New]
- Rowland Heights [New]
- Running Springs [New]
- Rutherford [New]
- Sacramento [New]
- Saint Helena [New]
- Salida [New]
- Salinas [New]
- Salton City [New]
- San Andreas [New]
- San Anselmo [New]
- San Bernardino [New]
- San Bruno [New]
- San Carlos [New]
- San Clemente [New]
- San Diego [New]
- San Dimas [New]
- San Fernando [New]
- San Francisco [New]
- San Gabriel [New]
- San Geronimo [New]
- San Jacinto [New]
- San Jose [New]
- San Juan Capistrano [New]
- San Leandro [New]
- San Lorenzo [New]
- San Luis Obispo [New]
- San Marcos [New]
- San Marino [New]
- San Martin [New]
- San Mateo [New]
- San Pablo [New]
- San Pedro [New]
- San Rafael [New]
- San Ramon [New]
- San Simeon
- San Ysidro [New]
- Sand City [New]
- Sanger [New]
- Santa Ana [New]
- Santa Barbara [New]
- Santa Clara [New]
- Santa Clarita [New]
- Santa Cruz [New]
- Santa Fe Springs [New]
- Santa Maria [New]
- Santa Monica [New]
- Santa Nella [New]
- Santa Paula [New]
- Santa Rosa [New]
- Santa Rosa Valley [New]
- Santa Ynez [New]
- Santa Ysabel [New]
- Santee [New]
- Saratoga [New]
- Saugus [New]
- Sausalito [New]
- Scotts Valley [New]
- Seacliff [New]
- Seal Beach [New]
- Seaside [New]
- Sebastopol [New]
- Seeley
- Selma [New]
- Sepulveda
- Shafter [New]
- Shasta Lake [New]
- Shell Beach
- Sherman Oaks [New]
- Shingle Springs [New]
- Sierra Madre [New]
- Signal Hill [New]
- Silver Lake
- Silverado [New]
- Simi Valley [New]
- Solana Beach [New]
- Soledad [New]
- Solvang [New]
- Somis [New]
- Sonoma [New]
- Sonora [New]
- Soquel [New]
- South El Monte [New]
- South Gate [New]
- South Lake Tahoe [New]
- South Pasadena [New]
- South San Francisco [New]
- Spring Valley [New]
- Springville [New]
- Stanton [New]
- Stevenson Ranch [New]
- Stockton [New]
- Strawberry [New]
- Studio City [New]
- Sugarloaf [New]
- Suisun City [New]
- Summerland [New]
- Sun Valley [New]
- Sunland [New]
- Sunnyvale [New]
- Susanville [New]
- Sutter [New]
- Sutter Creek [New]
- Sylmar [New]
- Taft [New]
- Tahoe City [New]
- Tahoe Vista [New]
- Tarzana [New]
- Tehachapi [New]
- Temecula [New]
- Temescal Valley [New]
- Temple City [New]
- Templeton [New]
- Terra Bella [New]
- Thermal [New]
- Thousand Oaks [New]
- Thousand Palms [New]
- Tiburon [New]
- Toluca Lake [New]
- Topanga [New]
- Torrance [New]
- Trabuco Canyon [New]
- Tracy [New]
- Trinidad [New]
- Truckee [New]
- Tujunga [New]
- Tulare [New]
- Tuolumne [New]
- Turlock [New]
- Tustin [New]
- Twain Harte [New]
- Twentynine Palms [New]
- Twin Peaks [New]
- Vacaville [New]
- Valencia [New]
- Vallejo [New]
- Valley Center [New]
- Valley Glen [New]
- Valley Village [New]
- Van Nuys [New]
- Venice [New]
- Ventura [New]
- Verdugo City
- Vernon
- Victorville [New]
- View Park
- View Park-Windsor Hills [New]
- Villa Park [New]
- Visalia [New]
- Vista [New]
- Walnut [New]
- Walnut Creek [New]
- Walnut Grove [New]
- Walnut Park [New]
- Warner Springs [New]
- Wasco [New]
- Watsonville [New]
- Weaverville [New]
- West Covina [New]
- West Hills [New]
- West Hollywood [New]
- West Los Angeles [New]
- West Sacramento [New]
- West Toluca Lake [New]
- Westchester [New]
- Westlake Village [New]
- Westminster [New]
- Westmorland
- Westwood [New]
- Wheatland [New]
- Whitewater [New]
- Whittier [New]
- Wildomar [New]
- Willits [New]
- Willows [New]
- Wilmington [New]
- Winchester [New]
- Windsor [New]
- Winnetka [New]
- Winters [New]
- Winton [New]
- Woodbridge [New]
- Woodland [New]
- Woodland Hills [New]
- Woodside [New]
- Wrightwood [New]