New York condos by neighborhoods
- Acorn Ponds at North Hills
- Allen
- Allerton
- Alphabet City
- Arlington
- Arlington Business District
- Astoria Heights
- Battery Park
- Bay Ridge
- Bedford-Stuyvesant
- Beechwood
- Belmont
- Bensonhurst
- Black Rock
- Boerum Hill
- Bon Aire
- Borough Park
- Boulevard Terrace
- Bowery
- Brighton Beach
- Bronxdale
- Bronxwood
- Brooklyn Heights
- Brownsville
- Bryant
- Bryant Park
- Buckingham Lake-Crestwood
- Burt Farm
- Bushwick
- Canarsie
- Capitol Hill
- Carnegie Hill
- Carroll Gardens
- Caton Park
- Cedar Knolls
- Center City
- Center Square
- Central Harlem
- Central Park South
- Central Park West
- Central Queens
- Central Riverdale
- Central Slope
- Central Suffolk
- Chelsea
- Chinatown
- Claremont
- Clinton Hill
- Coachlight Square
- Cold Springs
- Collegetown
- Columbia Street Waterfront District
- Concourse
- Coney Island
- Congress Street
- Continental Manor
- Cooperative Village
- Country Club
- Court Street Historic District
- Crown Heights
- Dash Estate
- Delaware Avenue
- Delaware Park
- Delaware-West Ferry
- Ditmars
- Ditmars Steinway
- Downtown Albany
- Downtown Albany Historic District
- Downtown Brooklyn
- Downtown Flushing
- Downtown Manhattan
- Downtown New Rochelle
- Downtown Poughkeepsie
- Downtown Rochester
- Downtown Saratoga Springs
- Downtown Syracuse
- Downtown Troy
- Downtown White Plains
- Downtown Yonkers
- Dunes
- Dunwoodie
- Dyker Heights
- East Amherst/Williamsville
- East Avenue
- East Bronx
- East Flatbush
- East New York
- East Village
- Eastchester/Tuckahoe
- Eastern Suffolk
- Eastern Suffolk
- Eastside
- Eastside Binghamton
- Edenwald
- Edgerton
- Empire State Building
- Erie Village
- Estates I
- Fieldston
- Financial District
- Flatbush
- Flatbush-Ditmas Park
- Flatiron District
- Fleetwood-Concourse Village
- Flushing Manor
- Fordham Heights
- Fordham Manor
- Forest
- Forest Hills Gardens
- Forest Hills West
- Fort George
- Fort Greene
- Foxhurst
- Franklin Square
- Freeport Beach
- Front Park
- Garment District
- Genesee-Jefferson
- Getty Square
- Glen Oaks Village
- Glen Oaks Village Section 2
- Gowanus
- Gramercy Park
- Grant Ferry
- Gravesend
- Great Neck Plaza
- Greenpoint
- Greenwich Village
- Greenwood
- Griffin Farm
- Hamilton Heights
- Hanover Square
- Harbors at Haverstraw
- Harlem
- Harlem River Waterfront
- Hartsdale/Greenburgh
- Heartland Village
- Hell's Kitchen
- Highbridge
- Hillcrest Park
- Hillside
- Homecrest
- Homestead Heights
- Homestead Village Condominiums
- Hudson Heights
- Hudson Yards
- Lakefront
- Lakeview
- Larchmont/Mamaroneck
- Lexington Hill
- Lincoln Square
- Little Italy/Chinatown
- Lower East Side
- Lower West Side
- Ludlow
- Manhattan Beach
- Manhattanville
- Manning Boulevard
- Manor Run
- Mansion Area
- Meadow Glen at Monroe
- Melrose
- Melrose
- Middletown/Goshen
- Middletown-Pelham Bay
- Midtown Center
- Midtown East
- Midtown Manhattan
- Midtown South
- Midtown West
- Midwood
- Mill Pond Acres
- Monroe Avenue Homestead
- Montclair Townhouse Condominiums
- Morningside Heights
- Morris Heights
- Morris Park
- Morrisania
- Mott Haven
- Mount Eden
- Mount Hope
- Mountainview East
- Murray Hill
- New Astoria
- New Scotland
- NoHo
- Nolita
- NoMad
- North Delaware
- North New York
- North Riverdale
- North Side
- North White Plains
- Northeast Queens
- Northeast Queens
- Northeast Yonkers
- Northern Manhattan
- Northland-Lyceum
- Northside
- Northwest Yonkers
- Northwestern Queens
- Northwestern Queens
- Norwood
- Park Avenue
- Park Meadow
- Park Slope
- Park South
- Parkchester
- Parkchester Residential Community
- Paul Estate
- Pine Hills
- Plum Point on Hudson Condominiums
- Plymouth-Exchange
- Poughkeepsie CBD
- Prospect Heights
- Prospect Lefferts Gardens
- Prospect Park
- Prospect Porter
- Residence Park
- Richmond Hill Kew Gardens
- Riverside Park
- Rockaway Park Fifth Ward
- Rose Hill
- Russell Gardens
- Rye Brook/Port Chester
- Seagate
- Seaport
- Sheepshead Bay
- Sheridan Hollow
- SoHo
- South Bronx
- South End
- South Shore Brooklyn
- South Shore Queens
- South Slope
- South Wood Estates Condominiums
- Southeast Bronx
- Southeast Queens
- Southeast Yonkers
- Southside
- Southwest Brooklyn
- Southwestern Nassau
- Southwestern Suffolk
- Spuyten Duyvil
- St George
- State-Henry St Historic District
- Steinway
- Stonegate
- Stratton Park
- Striver's Row
- Sun Haven/Homestead Park
- Sunset Park
- Sutton Place
- The Dickinson Estate
- The Great Neck Terrace
- The Greens at Half Hollow
- The Grove at New Windsor
- The Highlands Condominiums
- The Royal Stuyvesant
- Throgs Neck-Edgewater Park
- Times Square
- Tipperary Hill
- Triangle
- Tribeca
- Tudor City
- Two Bridges
- Union Square
- Unionport
- University Gardens
- University Heights
- Upper East Side
- Upper Manhattan
- Upper Monroe
- Upper West Side
- Wagner Farm
- Wakefield
- Wallabout
- Washington Green Condominiums
- Washington Heights
- Waterfront
- Waterfront Village
- Weeksville
- West Bronx
- West Chelsea
- West Farms
- West Village
- Western Nassau
- Western Suffolk
- Westside
- Whispering Hills
- Williamsbridge
- Williamsburg
- Woodbury Greens