Indiana houses by neighborhoods
- Aaron Kaufmans Woodside
- Abbey Place Villas
- Adler Grove
- Aetna
- Akin Park
- Allisonville
- Ambridge-Horace Mann
- Amelia Station Development
- Arbors at Woodgate
- Ardmore
- Arlington Acres South
- Arlington Heights
- Arlington Heights
- Arlington Park
- Arlington Woods
- Arsenal Heights
- Ashwood
- Augusta
- Augusta Green
- Austin Trace
- Autumn Creek
- Autumn Creek East
- Avon Creek Estates
- Avon Trails
- Barrington East
- Barrington West
- Barton Lakes
- Bass-Leesburg Civic
- Bates-Hendricks
- Bay Ridge
- Bayberry Village
- Bayswater at Eagle Creek
- Bean Creek
- Beechler Estates
- Bellaire
- Belle Vista Place
- Bells Run
- Bellville Gardens
- Belmont
- Benjamin Crossing
- Benjamin Square
- Bentwood Park
- Berkley Meadows
- Biltmore Gardens
- Bittner Woods
- Black Oak
- Blackbird Farms
- Blackhawk
- Blackstone
- Bloomingdale
- Blue Grass at Viking Meadows
- Bon Air Vista
- Bosart Brown
- Boulevard Park
- Boulevard Square
- Branches
- Brandywine Village
- Branigin Creek
- Breakaway Trails
- Brendonwood
- Brentwood Manor
- Briarbrook Village
- Britton Ridge
- Broad Ripple
- Broad Ripple Village
- Broad River
- Broadway
- Brodleigh
- Brook Wood Crossing
- Brookfield Place
- Brookhaven
- Brooks Chase
- Brookside Park
- Brookville Village
- Brunson Acres
- Brunswick
- Buck Creek Village
- Buck Creek Woods
- Bullman Heights
- Bunker Hill
- Butler-Tarkington
- Calera
- Cambridge Oaks
- Cameron Meadows
- Canary Creek Estates
- Canterbury-Chatard
- Carey Commons
- Carmel Arts and Design District
- Carmel Meadows
- Carroll Crossing
- Carson Heights
- Cascade Heights
- Castleton
- Caven Rockwoods East Woodlawn
- Cedar Hall
- Cedar Mill
- Cedar Park
- Centaur Acres
- Central Park
- Chapel Glen
- Chapel Hill Ben Davis
- Chapel Hill Village
- Cherry Hill Farms
- Cherry Lake
- Chestnut Hills
- Cheyenne Lakes at Southern Dunes
- Cicero/Arcadia
- Circle City
- Claymont at Saratoga
- Clearbrook Park
- Clermont
- Clermont Heights
- Cloverleaf Farms
- Cloverton Countryside
- Cobblestone at Geist
- College Commons
- Colonial Farms
- Columbia Gardens
- Commercial Place
- Commons at Heartland Crossing
- Cooper Pointe
- Copeland Farms
- Copeland Mills Estates
- Copper Grove
- Corrked Creek Village West
- Cottage Grove
- Cottage Home
- Cottonwood Lake
- Country Gate
- Country Mill
- Creekside
- Creekside Woods
- Creekwood Homes
- Crooked Creek
- Crooked Creek Heights
- Crooked Stick West
- Cruft Farm
- Crystal Springs
- Culver
- Cumberland
- Cumberland Commons
- Cumberland Estates
- Cumberland Lakes
- Cumberland Place
- Cypress Pointe
- Dakota Ridge
- Dale-mar
- Decatur Commons
- Delaware Trails
- Devington
- Devon
- Devon Ridge
- Diamond-Stringtown
- Dillehays Southern Acres
- Downtown Bloomington IN
- Downtown Carmel
- Downtown Columbus IN
- Downtown Fort Wayne
- Downtown Jeffersonville
- Downtown Lafayette
- Downtown Muncie
- Downtown Plainfield
- Downtown South Bend
- Downtown Terre Haute
- Downtown Valparaiso
- Downtown West Lafayette
- Eagle Creek
- Eagle Creek Woods II
- Eagle Trace Village
- Eagledale
- Eagles Landing
- East Central
- East Central
- East Evansville
- East Gate
- East Side Community
- East Warren
- Eastgate
- Easton at Stansbury
- Eastridge Manor
- Eastside
- Eastview
- Eastwich
- Edgemont Park
- Edgewater Place
- Edgewood
- Emerald Springs
- Emerson
- Emerson Heights
- Englewood
- Eureka Park
- Fairfield
- Fairfield Woods of Saratoga
- Fairgrounds
- Fairview
- Fairview Park
- Falcon Creek
- Fall Creek
- Fall Creek Place
- Far Eastside
- Far Northwest
- Farhill Downs
- Farley
- Fieldstone
- Fieldstone and Brookstone
- Fishers/Hawthorn Hills
- Five Points
- Five Points
- Flemings North Park
- Forest Hills
- Forest Manor
- Forest Park
- Fort Harrison
- Fountain Lake
- Fountain Square
- Fountain Square Alliance
- Foxfire
- Franklin Gardens
- Franklin Heights
- Franklin Road
- Galecrest
- Galludet
- Garden City
- Garden Court Village
- Garfield Park
- Garvin Park
- Garvinwood
- Gateway West
- Gay la Ridge
- Gentry Honours
- Georgetown
- Georgetown Crossing
- Glen Park
- Glen Park East
- Glen Park West
- Glendale
- Glenns Valley
- Glenroy Village
- Glenwood
- Glenwood Meadows
- Glenwood Park
- Golden Hill Historic District
- Grace Tuxedo Park
- Grand Boulevard
- Greater McMillen Park
- Greater Oakhill
- Greenleafs
- Greystone Village
- Hadley Moors
- Halls Kelvin Grove
- Hamilton
- Hamilton Meadows
- Hanover
- Hanover North
- Harmony
- Harrison Hill
- Harter Heights
- Hartford Park
- Hartman Farms
- Harvest Grove
- Harvest Meadows
- Harvester Community
- Harvester View
- Hazel Dell Woods
- Heather Hills
- Heritage
- Heritage Meadows
- Herron-Morton Place
- Hickory Meadows
- Hickorydale
- Hidden Creek at Geist
- Highland
- Hill Valley
- Hill Valley Estates
- Hillcrest
- Hoagland Masterson
- Holly Ridge
- Hollywood Estates
- Hollywood of Hammond
- Hollywood Place
- Holman Heights
- Holy Cross
- Home Lawn
- Homecoming at University
- Homedell
- Homewood
- Homewood Park
- Hopkins Place
- Horizons at Cumberland Pointe
- Huntwick
- Lafayette Heights
- Lafayette Place
- Lakeland Farms
- Lakeridge Crossing
- Lakeside Estates
- Lakeside Estates
- Lantern Pines
- LaSalle Area
- Lawrence Lakes
- Lebanon/Whitestown
- Lexington River Bend
- Liberty Creek North
- Lincoln Gardens
- Lincoln Manor
- Lincoln Park
- Lincoln Terrace
- Lincolnshire
- Lindberg Village
- Linden Square
- Little Flower
- Longwood
- Longwood Glen
- Lorraine Park
- Ludwig Park
- Mansur Park
- Maple Hill
- Maple Village
- Mapleton Fall Creek
- Marilyn Ridge
- Marion Park
- Mars Hill
- Martindale-Brightwood
- McCartys South
- Meadowchase
- Meadows
- Memorial Park
- Meridian Easte at Springhurst
- Meridian Hills
- Meridian Kessler
- Meridian Place
- Meyer Manor
- Miami Hills
- Michigan Street
- Midtown Gary
- Miller
- Miller Courts
- Miller Dunes
- Miller Terrace
- Millersville
- Moeller Estates
- Monteo Village
- Morgan Creek
- Morningside
- Morrell Heights
- Mount Vernon Park
- Myers University Place
- Near Eastside
- Near Northwest
- Near NW Riverside
- Near Southeast
- Near Southside
- Near Westside Indianapolis
- Nebraska
- New Brunswick
- Newburgh Historic District
- Newbury Countryside
- Newbys Westfield Heights
- Newfield
- Noblesville/Durbin
- NoBo
- Nora
- Nora Far Northside
- North Central
- North Elkhart
- North Emerson Heights
- North Evansville
- North Fort Wayne
- North German Woods
- North Highlands
- North Meridian
- North Muncie
- North Perry
- North Side
- North Square
- Northcrest
- Northeast South Bend
- Northern Meadows
- Northern Park
- Northfield at Heartland Crossing
- Northfield at Wynne Farms
- Northolm
- Northside
- Northwest High School
- Northwest South Bend
- Norwaldo
- Norwood
- Oak Hall
- Oak Park
- Oak Park
- Oak Ridge
- Oak Trace
- Oakdale
- Oakhill
- Oakleaf Manor & Estates
- Old Hickory Estates
- Old Mill Park
- Oliver Johnson's Woods
- Orchard Valley Farms
- Oriole Point
- Osgoods Forest Park
- Oxford
- Oxford Village
- Park North
- Park Place Parks at Springmill
- Park View at Wellingshire
- Parkland
- Parks at Winding Ridge
- Parkside Village
- Parkwood Terrace
- Pebble Creek
- Perry Commons
- Persimmon Ridge
- Pettit-Rudisill
- Pheasant Run
- Pine View Farms
- Pines of Greenwood
- Pinestone
- Pinhook
- Pipers Glen
- Plantana
- Pleasant Creek Acres
- Pleasant Lake Estates
- Plum Creek Farms
- Pond-O-Rosa
- Poplar Grove
- Pottowattomi Park
- Prairie Lakes Condominiums
- Prairie Stream Estates
- Presidents
- Pulaski
- Pulaski Village
- Ralston Heights
- Ransom Place
- Ravens Cove
- Raymond Park
- Raymond Park Village
- Reflections at Cumberland Pointe
- Ridgegate
- Riley Village
- Ritter Park
- River Park
- River Run
- Rivoli Park
- Robertson Village
- Rock Creek
- Romney Run
- Roseland Park
- Royal Oaks
- Royalwood
- Rum Village
- Salem Creek
- Salem Pointe
- Sand Creek Farms
- Sand Creek Woods
- Sand Point
- Sandstone Meadows
- SE Indianapolis-Hancock
- Sedona
- Shadeland
- Shadeland Manor
- Shadow Creek Farms
- Shannon Park
- Sherwood Green
- Silver Glade Estates
- Six Points
- Smithfield
- Snacks Guion Creek
- South Avalon Estates
- South Emerson
- South Fort Wayne
- South Franklin
- South Indianapolis
- South Muncie
- South Perry
- South Plainfield
- South Suburban
- South Wayne
- Southdale
- Southeast Indianapolis
- Southeast Warren
- Southern Dunes
- Southern Indiana
- Southern Lakes Estates
- Southern Pines
- Southern Springs
- Southern Trails
- Southlands
- Southport
- Southside Indianapolis
- Southside Park
- Southside South Bend
- Southway
- Southwest Fort Wayne
- Southwest Hills
- Southwood Park
- Spades Park
- Speedway Terrace
- Spring Orchard
- Spring Run at Winding Ridge
- Springhill
- Springwood
- Spyglass Falls
- St Vincent Greenbriar
- Stansbury
- Stella Ridge
- Sterling Downs
- Sterling Heights
- Stewart Place
- Still Water Place
- Stonecreek
- Stonefield
- Stonehedge Estates
- Stout Field
- Sumerlin Trails
- Summerfield Village
- Summerlake at Summerbrook
- Sunset Hills
- Sutters Cove
- Sycamore Heights
- Tansel Crossing
- Temple Estates
- Tepe Park
- Terrytown
- The Edge
- The Estates at Eagles Pointe
- The Fields of Perry Crossing
- The Glenns
- The Groves at Camby Village
- The Highlands at Eagle Creek
- The Links at Winding Ridge
- The Meadows
- The Meadows at Armstrong Farms
- The Meadows at Eagle Crossing
- The Meadows at Simon Farms
- The Meadows of Shelborne
- The Orchards at Sunblest
- The Park at Weston Place
- The Providence at Old Meridian Lofts
- The Springs at Deer Crossing
- The Village at New Bethel
- The Village of Turner Trace
- The Villages at Grassy Creek
- The Villages at Weston Place
- Thompson Park
- Timber Park
- Timberon
- Tipton Area
- Tolleston
- Towne Park
- Treyburn Lakes
- Treyburn Manor
- Turkey Creek Meadows
- Tuxedo Park
- Twin Oaks
- Wake Robin
- Walker Farms
- Walnut Springs
- Walnut Street Historic District
- Warfleigh
- Washington Meadows
- Washington Place Heights
- Waterford Commons
- Waterman Farms
- Waters Edge at Cummins Farm
- Waterwood of Carmel
- Watson-McCord
- Waverly Commons
- Waynecroft
- We Can
- Wellington Estates
- West Cenrtal Historic District
- West Central
- West Edgewood
- West Evansville
- West Indianapolis
- West Meridian Heights
- West Newton
- West South Bend
- West Wood
- Westchester
- Westchester Estates
- Westlakes
- Westmere
- Westpark at Springmill
- Westridge
- Westside
- Westwood
- Wheatridge Community
- Whispering Trails
- Whitcomb Meadows
- Whitmore Place
- Wicker Park Manor
- Wildcat Run
- Wildwood Farms at Beckler Estates
- Willow Lakes
- Willow Springs
- Wilshire Glen West
- Winding Brook
- Winding Brook Park
- Windsor Village
- Winfield Park
- Winton Meadows
- Wood Haven
- Woodberry
- Wooded Highlands
- Woodland Green
- Woodland Heights
- Woodland Hills
- Woodland Trace
- Woodlawn
- Woodlawn
- Wynbrooke
- Wynfield
- Wynnedale Spring Hill
- Wynterbrooke