Oregon houses by neighborhoods
- Addington Place
- Alameda
- Alameda Park
- Alder Ridge
- Alexander Villa Homestead
- Amart Summer Lake
- Amazon
- Amber Glen
- Arbor Gardens
- Arbor Lakes
- Arbor Lodge
- Arbor Ridge
- Arbor Roses
- Arbor Station
- Arbor View
- Argay
- Ashcreek
- Aspen Rim
- Aubrey Butte
- Baker Creek Park
- Bannister Creek Park
- Barclay Hills
- Barrington Heights-Tanner Woods-Hidd
- Barton Crossing
- Bauer Creek Estates
- Beaumont-Wilshire
- Benedictine Heights
- Benton Woods
- Berkeley Park
- Bethany
- Bethany Meadows
- Bethel
- Blue Heron
- Bolton
- Bonny Slope
- Boring Junction
- Bosa North
- Boyd Acres
- Brentwood-Darlington
- Bridle Springs
- Bridlemile
- Brookhaven
- Brooklyn
- Brookwood
- Bruces Acres
- Buckman
- Buena Vista
- Bull Mountain
- Cal Young
- Canyon Point Estates
- Capital Home
- Capital Park
- Casmur
- Cathedral Park
- Cedar Hills
- Cedar Hills-Cedar Mill
- Cedarcrest
- Centennial
- Central Beaverton
- Century Meadows
- Century West
- Churchill
- Clifgate
- Clovercrest
- Cloverdale
- College Hill
- College Park Estates
- Concordia
- Cooper Mountain-Aloha North
- Cooper Mountain-Aloha South
- Cornell Place
- Corvallis
- Cottages at Parkway Village
- Crest Drive
- Crest Hill Estates
- Creston-Kenilworth
- Crestwood
- Cross Creek
- Crystal Creek
- Deer Ridge Estates
- Del Mar
- Deschutes
- Deschutes River Woods
- Deskins
- Devonshire
- Downtown Bend
- Downtown Eugene
- Downtown Gresham
- Downtown Hillsboro
- Downtown Salem
- Downtown Tigard
- Eagle's View
- East Hills Estates
- East Lancaster
- Edgewater at Clover Ridge
- Edgewood
- El Tovar
- Eliot Conservation District
- Elkhorn Estates
- Emerald Valley West
- Englewood
- Fairmont
- Fairview Terrace
- Fairview Village
- Far Southwest
- Far West
- Five Oaks
- Foster-Powell
- Four Corners
- Fox Hollow
- Foxborough
- Foxchase
- Friendly
- Gaffney Lane
- Gateway
- Gateway Park
- Golden Horseshoe Ochoco West
- Golden Mantle
- Golden Terrace
- Goose Hollow
- Granada
- Grant
- Grant Park
- Greenway
- Gresham-North Central
- Gresham-Northeast
- Gresham-Northwest
- Harlow
- Hawks Ridge
- Hayden Island
- Hayesville
- Hayesville Estates
- Hidden Creek
- Highland
- Highland Beaverton
- Highland Summit
- Hillendale
- Hillsdale
- Hillside
- Holcomb Heights
- Hollywood
- Homestead-Council Crest
- Hosford-Abernethy
- Humboldt
- Humphrey Park
- Hyland
- Kelly Creek
- Kenton
- Kenton Conservation District
- Kenwood
- Kerns
- Keston Acres
- King
- Kings Heights
- King's Hill Historic District
- Kings View
- Kingwood Park
- Kingwood Terraces
- Lake Forest
- Lake Shore Estates
- Lakeview-Summit
- Lakewood Estates
- Lancashire
- Larkspur
- Larkspur Village
- Laurel Hill
- Lee Bow Park
- Lenox
- Lents
- Lexington
- Lincoln Park
- Linnton
- Linwood
- Loves
- Lynnbrook
- Madison South
- Manbrin Gardens
- Maplewood
- Market District
- Markham
- Marshall Park
- McKenna Park
- Mclain West
- Metzger
- Mill Park
- Mill-Pine Historic District
- Milwaukie Heights
- Mint Lake
- Monmouth/Independence
- Montavilla
- Monteith Historic District
- Morning Hill
- Morningside
- Mountain Fir Estates
- Mountain Tabor Villa
- Mountain View
- Mt Hood
- Mt Park
- Mt Scott-Arleta
- Mt Tabor
- Multnomah
- Neighbors Southwest
- New Columbia
- Newell Park
- North College Hill
- North Eliot
- North Gresham
- North Lancaster
- North Tabor
- Northeast Neighbors
- Northgate
- Northwest Heights
- Northwest Hillsboro
- Nottingham Square
- Oak Knolls Estates
- Oaks at Springbrook
- Old Bend
- Old Farm District
- Old Town Historic District
- Orchard District
- Orchard Homes
- Oregon Water Wonderland
- Orenco Station
- Overlook
- Palisades
- Park Blocks
- Park Ridge
- Parkrose
- Parkrose Heights
- Pearl
- Piedmont
- Pine Way
- Pleasant Home
- Pleasant Valley
- Portland Homestead
- Portsmouth
- Powell Valley
- Powellhurst-Gilbert
- Prineville Lake Acres
- Pringle Creek
- Progress Ridge
- Railroad Historic District
- Railway
- Raleigh Hills
- Redbar Estates
- Reservoir Park
- Richmond
- River Bend Estates
- River Canyon Estates
- River Road
- River West
- Rivercrest Estates
- Riverside
- Robinson
- Rock Creek
- Rockwood
- Rose City Park
- Rosepark
- Roseway
- Rosewood
- Russell
- Sabin
- Salemtowne
- Salix
- Santa Clara
- Sellwood-Moreland
- Sexton Mountain
- Seychelles West
- Shadowood Greenways
- Sherwood/Tualatin South
- Siskiyou-Hargadine Historic Dist
- Skidmore Academy Historic District
- Smiths Fir Grove
- Somerset Hills
- Sommerset West-Elmonica South
- South Beaverton
- South Burlingame
- South Central
- South Gateway
- South Hills
- South Hillsboro
- South Portland
- South University
- Southeast Eugene
- Southeast Hillsboro
- Southeast Mill Creek
- Southeast Portland
- Southeast Uplift
- Southern Crossing
- Southgate
- Southwest Bend
- Southwest Hills
- Spring Meadow
- Springfield Gateway
- St Johns
- Stafford-Tualatin Valley
- Sterling Woods
- Stoller Farms
- Stonehedge West
- Stoneridge
- Strawberry Heights
- Sullivan's Gulch
- Summit West
- Sumner
- Sundance Meadows
- Sunny Hollow
- Sunnyridge Heights
- Sunnyside
- Sunnyside Damascus
- Sunnyslope
- Sunnyslope
- Sunset
- Sunset Hills
- Sunset Village
- Sylvan-Highlands
- Tanasbourne
- Tanner Basin
- The Homestead
- The Parks
- Thurston
- Tickle Creek Estates
- Tigard Triangle
- Timberhill Southeast
- Tinkham
- Tip Top View
- Trainsong
- Triple Creek
- Tualatin Slopes
- Walker Road
- Walluga
- Wellesley
- West Beaverton
- West Portland Park
- West Salem
- West University
- Westlake
- Whiteaker
- Wilkes-Hemlock
- Willamette
- Willamette Heights
- Willamette Landing
- Wilsonville Meadows
- Woodlawn
- Woodlawn Conservation District
- Woodriver Village
- Woodstock