Virginia townhomes by neighborhoods
- Alexandria West
- Alleghany
- Ampt Hill
- Apperson-Dickerson
- Arcola Center
- Arlington Mill
- Ashbrook
- Ashbrook Village
- Ashburn Farm
- Ashburn Village
- Avonlea
- Bailey's Crossroads
- Barcroft
- Barksdale
- Bay View
- Bellevue
- Bell's Run
- Bell's Run Condominiums
- Belmont
- Bloom Crossing
- Blooms Mill
- Braddock Corner
- Brambleton Landbay
- Braxton Park
- Briarwood Hearth
- Bristoe Station
- Broadlands South
- Broadlands Station
- Brookland Heights
- Brookleigh
- Brookville/Seminary Valley
- Buckley's Reserve
- Bull Run
- Cabin Creekwood
- Cambridge Square
- Camellia Gardens
- Campbells Trace
- Carlisle Heights
- Cedar Lakes
- Cedar Mill Townhouses
- Cedarwood Towne
- Central Park Townhomes
- Charleston Commons
- Charlestown
- Chimney Corner
- Circle Woods
- City Center Richmond
- Coliseum Central
- Colonial Heights
- Colonial Heights-Hyde Park
- Colonial Place/Riverview
- Colonnade Dulles Town Center
- Colony Park
- Columbia Heights
- Compton Valley Estates
- Comstock
- Coppermine Crossing Condominiums
- Cornerstone
- Countryside-Potomac Falls
- Coventry Creek
- Crossroads Village
- Crozet Crossing
- Culinary District
- Deepwood
- Denbigh
- Devils Reach Condominiums
- Dogwoods
- Dominion Townes
- Downtown Charlottesville
- Downtown Eastside
- Downtown Fredericksburg
- Downtown Hampton
- Downtown Harrisonburg
- Downtown Norfolk
- Downtown Richmond
- Downtown Winchester
- Dulles Greenway
- Dulles Town Center
- East End
- East Ocean View
- Ellett-Jennelle
- Elmsley
- England Run
- England Run Townhouses
- Epes
- Eton Square
- Fair Ridge
- Fair Woods
- Fairlawn Townhouses
- Fairlington Glen
- Fairlington Villages
- Fairlington/Shirlington
- Fairmont Park
- Forest Hill Terrace
- Forest Park
- Fox Hill-Grandview
- Foxhall
- Franconia
- Frontier Spring
- Gayton Glen
- Georgetown South
- Ghent
- Glebewood
- Glendale
- Golf Course Island
- Goose Creek Village North
- Goose Creek Village South
- Grayson Hill
- Great Bridge
- Great Falls Chase
- Green Hill Farms
- Greenbrier East
- Greenbrier West
- Greenwood Farm
- Grissom-Highland
- Groveton
- Haymarket Square
- Heathcote Commons
- Hermitage Road
- Hethwood-Prices Fork
- High View Park
- Historic Downtown District
- Huff Heritage
- Hunter Village
- Huntington
- Huntington at Mount Vernon
- Huntington Club Condominiums
- Hybla Valley
- Lafayette
- Lake Ridge
- Lakecrest
- Lakeford
- Land Bay Lake Ridge
- Landmark/Van Dorn
- Lansdowne On The Potomac
- Laurel Lakes
- Lee Hall
- Leeway
- Liberty Crossing
- Lincolnia
- Loftridge
- Loudoun Valley Estates
- Main-Patrick Henry
- Marrowbone Heights
- Meadowbrook
- Middleford
- Mosby Woods
- Mount Vernon
- Mountain Laurel
- Mountain View
- Nauck
- Naval Station Norfolk
- Newington
- Newington Station
- North Central
- North Meadow Brook
- North Ridge/Rosemont
- North Titustown
- North Trail at the Arboretum
- Northeast Alexandria
- Northeast Virginia Beach
- Northgate Condominiums
- Northside
- Northwest Virginia Beach
- Norview Heights
- Norwood Pond Condominiums
- Oak Ridge
- Oakmont at Kentland
- Oakton Village
- Oakwood
- Old Bridge Estates
- Old Courthouse
- Old Southwest
- Old Town
- Old Town/Potomac Yard
- Old Towne Portsmouth
- Old Trail
- Olde Forge
- Outlying South
- Overlook Park
- Parker-Gray Historic District
- Parkfairfax
- Pelican Dunes
- Penrose
- Pentagon City
- Petersburg-Colonial Heights
- Pinewell/Ocean View
- Pinewood Greens
- Pinewood Lake
- Pocoshock Hills
- Point of Woods at Manassas
- Point of Woods East
- Port Aquia
- Potomac Club
- Potomac Lakes
- Potomac West
- Preserve at Smith Run
- Pretty Lake
- Prince William Commons
- Promontory Place
- Random Hills
- Ridgeview Villas
- Riverrun
- Riverside Station
- Rolling Brook
- Rolling Ridge Townhome Condominiums
- Rollingwood Village
- Rose Hill
- Sajo Farm
- Salt Marsh Point
- Scarborough Square
- Seminary Hill
- Seven Corners
- Shockoe Bottom
- Shockoe Slip
- Shore Drive
- Silverwood Oaks
- Singletons Grove
- Skiffes Creek Landing
- Smithy Glen Trail
- South Charlottesville
- South Norfolk
- Springfield Oaks
- St Elmo
- Sterling Park
- Stockbridge Condominiums
- Stone River
- Stonehenge Condominium
- Stonewall Manor Condominium
- Sudley
- Sugarland Run
- Sully Station II
- Swansboro
- Swanson
- Tate Springs
- Tavern Grove
- Taylor Spring
- The Buckingham at Loudon Valley
- The Diamond
- The Fairways at Penderbrook
- The Fan
- The Granby District
- The Greens at Belmont
- The Pavilions at Pantops
- The Pinecrest
- The Village Square
- The Villages
- The Villas at Hunton Park
- Thousand Oaks
- Timberwoods Condominiums
- Titustown
- Trailside
- Turtle Creek Condominiums
- Tysons West
- Wakeland Manor
- Walmsley
- Washington Square Townhouse
- Wayside Village
- West End
- West Ocean View
- Western Branch North
- Westhampton
- Westridge
- Williamstown
- Winding Brook
- Winster Fax
- Winston Terrace
- Woodgate Village
- Woodstone
- Woodstream