Washington apartments by neighborhoods
- Aberdeen South Side
- Academy Terrace Acad Terrace South
- Acre Park
- Akers Farms
- Alder Grove
- Alderbrook
- Alderwood Manor
- Aline Heights
- Alki
- Allwood Manor
- Amendatory Paxton McMillans Tacoma
- Anderson Cove
- Annapolis
- Apple Valley Estates
- Arcadia Rental Townhomes
- Arlington Park
- Artondale
- Arts and Entertainment District
- Ashburn Condominiums
- Ashwood
- Asotin
- Aspen Village
- Atlantic
- Audubon Downriver
- Autumn Glen
- Avalon at Bear Creek
- Avondale
- Badger Mountain Village
- Bagley Downs
- Balboa/South Indian Trail
- Ballard
- Barlow Lakes
- Bayside
- Beacon Heights
- Beaumont
- Bella Sonoma
- Bellevue
- Bellevue Acre Halfacre Trails
- Bellevue City Center
- Bellevue Square
- Bellewood East
- Belltown
- Bel-Red
- Bemiss
- Bennington
- Benson East
- Berry Farm Condominiums
- Beverly Park
- Beverly Place
- Big Sky
- Bitter Lake
- Bitterroot Lodge
- Bluff Park
- Bonnie Glen
- Boulevard Bluffs
- Boulevard Park
- Boulevard Place
- Bradley Park Condominiums
- Bransonwood
- Briarcliff
- Brickyard Road-Queensgate
- Bridgewater
- Bridle Trails
- Bridle View
- Brighton
- Brighton Beach Orchard
- Brighton Park Ridge
- Broad View
- Broadview
- Broadway
- Broadway Crest
- Broadway Place
- Brookhurst
- Brookside
- Brooktree
- Browne's Addition
- Bryant
- Bryn Mawr-Skyway
- Burnt Bridge Creek
- Burton Evergreen
- Cain Road
- Cambria Hills Condominiums
- Cambridge
- Camelot
- Campbellmichel Estates
- Campus Highlands
- Campus Meadows
- Campus Woods
- Canterbury Square
- Canyon Creek
- Canyon Creek-39th SE
- Canyon Park
- Capistrano Park
- Capitol Hill
- Capitol Hill Garden
- Carlyon North
- Carolstar
- Carrington Hills
- Carter Park
- Cascade
- Cascade Highlands
- Cascade Meadows
- Cascade Park
- Cascade South East
- Cascade View
- Cascade View Everett
- Cascade View Terrace
- Cascade Vista
- Cascade-Fairwood
- Castlerock Heights
- Cedar Grove
- Cedarview
- Centennial Trails
- Centerwood
- Central
- Central Des Moines
- Central Enumclaw
- Central Houghton
- Central Kenmore
- Central Lakes
- Central Park
- Central Seattle
- Central Silverdale
- Cherokee Bay Park
- Cherry Meadows
- Chesterfield
- Chief Garry Park
- Chinatown
- Christa Heights
- Cimarron
- Cindys
- City Center South
- City Center Spokane
- Claremont
- Clarewood
- Classic View Estates
- Clearbrook
- Clearwood
- Cliff Cannon
- Columbia City
- Columbia Heights East
- Columbia Orchard
- Columbia Place
- Columbia View
- Columbia Way
- Commons at Fircrest
- Commonwealth
- Comstock
- Conifer Park
- Convention Center District
- Copper Station
- Corbin Park
- Cottonwood Grove
- Cougar Mountain
- Country Hollow
- Country Home
- Country Village-Lake Pleasant
- Covington Park
- Crescent Park
- Crescent Ridge
- Crest at Quail Ridge
- Crossing at North Creek Condominiums
- Crossroads
- Crossroads
- Crosswater
- Crosswater Condominium
- Crown Hill
- Crown Ridge Estates
- Crown Royal
- Crystal Creek
- Crystal Heights
- Dartford
- Days Francies LaGrande
- Decatur Acre
- Deer Run
- Dellwood Park
- Delmar Woods
- Delta
- Delta View
- Denny Triangle
- Des Moines Beach
- Desert Estates
- Dishman Hills
- Downriver
- Downtown Auburn
- Downtown Bellevue
- Downtown Bellingham
- Downtown Bothell
- Downtown Bremerton
- Downtown Burien
- Downtown Core
- Downtown Kent
- Downtown Kirkland
- Downtown Lake Stevens
- Downtown Lake Tapps
- Downtown Lakewood
- Downtown Longview
- Downtown Lynnwood
- Downtown Marysville
- Downtown Mercer Island
- Downtown Newcastle
- Downtown Olympia
- Downtown Puyallup
- Downtown Redmond
- Downtown Renton
- Downtown Seattle
- Downtown Spokane
- Downtown Tacoma
- Downtown Vancouver
- Downtown Washougal
- Downtown Yakima
- Driftwood Key
- Dubois Park
- Dunlap
- Eagle Point
- Earlington Hill
- East Auburn Garden
- East Audubon Park
- East Bremerton
- East Central
- East Fife
- East Hill-Meridian
- East Olympia
- East Pointe
- East Renton Highlands
- East Sumner
- East Sunnyside
- East Terrace
- Eastgate
- Eastlake
- Eastside
- Eastside
- Eastwood Forest
- Eaves by Avalon
- Edgemoor
- Edgewater Estates
- Edgewood Dale
- Edgewood Park
- Education Hill
- Eklund Park
- Elbert Place
- Elk Meadows
- Elk Plain
- Ellsworth Springs
- Elma Heights
- Emerson Garfield
- Enatai
- Ephrata Heights
- Esperance
- Esther Short
- Everest
- Everett Mall South
- Evergreen
- Evergreen Shores
- Evergreen Terrace
- Factoria
- Fairhaven
- Fairmount Park
- Fairway Village Golf Course
- Falcon Ridge
- Falcon Ridge
- Falling Water
- Fauntleroy
- Fauntleroy Scenic
- Felida Manor
- Felida-Starcrest
- Filbert-Winesap
- Fircrest
- First Hill
- Fisher's Landing East
- Fisher's Village
- Fisher's Village-Orchards Area
- Fitzgerald-35th SE
- Five Mile Prairie
- Fontanelle
- Forest Crest
- Forest Ridge
- Foster
- Fourth Plain Village
- Fox Hollow
- Foxbury Park
- Frederickson
- Freestone at Bayside
- Fremont
- Frontier Heights
- Fruit Valley
- Gamblewood
- Garden Acre
- Gateway
- Gatewood
- Genesee
- Georgetown
- Getchell
- Getchell North
- Gilman
- Glacier Valley
- Glacier View
- Glencarin
- Glencoe
- Glennaire
- Glennaire Terrace
- Graham Park Estates
- Grass Lawn
- Green Lake
- Green Parks
- Greenacres
- Greens Annex
- Greentree Hills
- Greenwood
- Greenwood Avenue
- Greystone Meadows
- Grisdales Acre
- Haller Lake
- Haller Lake Trails
- Halletts
- Hampton Court
- Hampton Woods
- Hanson's Estates
- Happy Valley
- Harbor Heights
- Harbor Hill
- Harbor Oaks
- Harbor Ridge Estates
- Harborview Seahurst Glenhaven
- Harbour Pointe
- Harney Heights
- Harrison/Denny Blaine
- Hayden Estates
- Hayden Meadows
- Hayden Village West
- Hayes Park
- Hays Park
- Hearthwood
- Heartland Homes Estates
- Heaths
- Heathstone
- Heritage Estates
- Herrons
- Hidden Cove Estates
- Hidden Gardens
- Hidden Village
- High Point
- Highland Garden
- Highland Park
- Highland Views
- Highlands
- Highlands
- Highline
- Hillcrest Acres
- Hillmans Garden
- Hillmans Seattle Garden
- Hillsview
- Hilltop
- Hillyard
- Hillyard Orchard Heights
- Holland Glen
- Holly
- Holly Park
- Holms Acre
- Homeside
- Hood Canal Heights
- Horn Creek at Horn Rapids
- Hough
- Hovers Fountain Park
- Hudson's Bay
- Hughbanks Acres
- Hunters Glen
- Hunters Ridge
- Inglewood Heights
- Inglewood-Finn Hill
- Inlet Island
- Interbay
- Issaquah
- Issaquah Highlands
- Issaque Ridge
- Jackies Landing
- Jennings Park
- Jordan Ridge Estates
- Juanita Hills
- Juanita Point Residence Park
- Judkins Park
- Junction
- Katesridge
- Kaufmans
- Kellogg Marsh
- Kellogg Meadows
- Kellogg Village
- Kempton Woods
- Kendall Yards
- Kenilworth Park
- Kenlake Vista
- Kennedys Acre Trails
- Kennewick Park
- Kennydale
- Kentwood Glen
- Kenwood
- Kevanna Park
- Kimberlee Park
- King Mountain Terrace
- Kingsgate
- Kingspark
- Kinnear Park
- Knapp
- Knolls Vista
- Lake Ballinger
- Lake City
- Lake Fenwick
- Lake Ridge
- Lake Stevens Farms
- Lake Tapps
- Lake Union
- Lake Washington Shorelands
- Lake Washington View
- Lakebay/Vaughn
- Lakeland
- Lakeland
- Lakeland North
- Lakemont
- Lakepoint
- Lakeside of Redmond
- Lakeview
- Lakeview Kirkland
- Lakeview Tacoma
- Lakewood
- Lakewood Commons Condominiums
- Landover-Sharmel
- Latah Valley
- Latitude Condominium Homes
- Laubers
- Laurelhurst
- Lawton Heights
- Lawton Park
- Lea Hill
- Lea Hill Village
- Leisure Estates
- Leschi
- Lewisville Meadows
- Liberty Park
- Liberty Ridge
- Licorice Fern
- Licton Springs Park
- Lidgerwood Park
- Lieser Crest
- Lincoln
- Lincoln Beach
- Lincoln Heights
- Linwood Heights
- Lipoma Firs North
- Lochleven
- Lochmoor
- Locloman Estates
- Logan
- Lookout Ridge
- Loudenback Broadview
- Loviisa Farms
- Lower Queen Anne
- Lowes Terrace
- Loyal Heights
- Lynch Cove
- Lynwood Center
- Madison Park
- Madrona
- Madrona Trails
- Magnolia
- Magnolia Manor
- Manette
- Manito
- Manito Heights
- Mann
- Maple Grove Beach
- Maple Heights-Lake Desire
- Maple Hills
- Maple Leaf
- Maple Ridge Highlands
- Maple Valley Heights
- Marina Pointe
- Mariner's Glen
- Market
- Marrion
- Marshall
- Martha Lake
- May Creek
- McChord
- McMicken
- McTeighs Garden
- Meadow Homes
- Meadowcrest Park
- Meadowdale
- Meadowlake
- MeadowWood
- Microsoft Redmond Campus
- Midilome
- Midland
- Midway
- Midway
- Mill Creek Federal Way
- Millers View Ridge
- Minnehaha
- Minor
- Mirabeau
- Monterey Park
- Montesano
- Montlake
- Moorlands
- Moran Prairie
- Morning Side Park
- Moss Bay
- Motor Line
- Mount Baker Park
- Mountain at Somerset Hill
- Mountain View Meadows
- Mountain View Meadows-Orchards
- Mt Baker
- Nancy's Grove
- Nettletons
- Nevada Lidgerwood
- New Rainier Vista
- Newport
- Newport Crossing
- Newport Hills
- Nisqually Pines
- Nob Hill
- No-Ko-Mis Park
- Norkirk
- Norris Acre
- North Admiral
- North Auburn
- North Bank
- North Beacon Hill
- North Bellevue
- North Bellingham
- North Central Des Moines
- North College Park
- North Creek
- North Creek Snohomish
- North Delridge
- North End
- North Garrison Heights
- North Hill
- North Image
- North Indian Trail
- North Industrial
- North Issaquah
- North Juanita
- North Lake
- North Lakewood
- North Olympia
- North Park
- North Plateau
- North Redmond
- North Renton
- North Rose Hill
- North Spokane
- North Terrace
- Northeast Bellevue
- Northeast Hazel Dell
- Northeast Hazel Dell-Starcrest
- Northeast Lakewood
- Northeast Ross Park
- Northeast Tacoma
- Northend Country Estates
- Northlake
- Northlake Terrace
- Northtowne
- Northwest Everett
- Northwest Olympia
- Northwest Pointe
- Northwest Spokane
- Oak Park
- Oakbrook
- Oakes
- Oakland
- Ogden
- Old Bellevue
- Old Evergreen Highway
- Olde Town
- Ole Navy Yard
- Olympia Downtown Historic District
- Olympic West
- Opportunity
- Opsahl
- Orchard Hills
- Orchards
- Orchards Area
- Otis Orchards-East Farms
- Outer Silverdale
- Overdale Park
- Overlake
- Pacific
- Pacific Meadows
- Pacific Park
- Pacific Ridge
- Pacific Walk Townhomes
- Paine Field-Lake Stickney
- Palisade
- Palisades Park
- Panorama Estates
- Panorama West
- Paradise Ridge
- Park Orchard
- Pasadena Ridge
- Patrick's Faire
- Pattons Hide Away
- Peaceful Valley
- Pearl Jones
- Perrigos of Redmond
- Pettit's Lake Washington Acre
- Phinney Acre
- Phinney Bay Water Front
- Phinney Ridge
- Picnic Point-North Lynnwood
- Pike Place Market
- Pine Grove Terrace
- Pine Hurst
- Pine Valley Ranch
- Pinecroft Terrace
- Pinehurst
- Pinewood
- Pioneer Hills
- Pioneer Square
- Plateau
- Pleasant Valley Vancouver
- Pleasant Valley-Fairgrounds
- Ponderosa Estates
- Port Gardner
- Port Orchard
- Portage Bay
- Prairie Heights
- Prairie Hills
- Prairie Ridge
- President Park
- Prospect Beach
- Prospect Point
- Prune Hill Park
- Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
- Pullman Halls
- Pullman Landis
- Pullman Reaneys
- Radford Court
- Rainier Beach
- Rainier View Court
- Ravenna
- Ravenna Park
- Redmond Estates
- Redmond Ridge
- Redmond Ridge East
- Redwing
- Renton Farm
- Renton Hill
- Rhodena Beach Waterfront
- Rhododendron Park
- Richards Valley
- Richmond Acres
- Ridge at Gig Harbor
- Ridge at Sedona
- Ridge View Meadows
- Ridgeview
- River Bend Park
- River View Heights
- River View Pointe
- River View Terrace
- Rivercrossing
- Riverfront
- Riverside
- Riverside West
- Riverton
- Riverview
- Riverview
- Rock Creek Landing
- Rocky Hill
- Rolling Green Estates
- Rolling Hills
- Rollingbay
- Roman Ridge
- Roosevelt
- Roosevelt Heights
- Rose Village
- Rosewood Heights
- Roslyn Dale
- Roxhill
- Sagewood
- Salmon Creek
- Samish Hill
- Sand Point
- Scenic Hill
- Schilter Farm
- Sea Cliff Estates
- Seahurst
- Seattle Hill-Silver Firs
- Seaview Seattle
- Seeley
- Seward Park
- Shadow Glen
- Shelby
- Shelton View-Meridian-3rd SE
- Sheridan Beach
- Sheridan Park
- Sherwood Forest
- Shumway
- Sidney Villa
- Silver Acres
- Silver Creek
- Silver Lake
- Silver Pointe Condominium
- Sinto
- Skagit Highlands
- Sky Island
- Skyview Acres
- Smokey Point
- Solano Heights
- South Auburn
- South Beacon Hill
- South Bellingham
- South Delridge
- South End
- South Fern Hill
- South Forest Park
- South Highland Park
- South Hill
- South Hill
- South Hill Puyallup
- South Juanita
- South Kent
- South Lake Union
- South Lake Washington
- South Lakes
- South Olympia
- South Park
- South Park
- South Park Avenue
- South Renton
- South Rose Hill
- South Seattle
- South Side
- South Tacoma
- South Westside
- Southeast Bellevue
- Southeast Redmond
- Southeast Ross Park
- Southern Heights-Boulevard Park
- Southwest Bellevue
- Southwest Enumclaw
- Southwood
- Spokane Business & Industrial Park
- Springbrook Terrace
- Springfield Terrace
- Springtree
- Squak Mountain
- Squire Park
- St. Clair Terrace
- Stadium District
- Starcrest
- Steamboat Landing Marina Condominium
- Steel Lake Trails
- Stevens
- Stevens Cove
- Stonegate at Avonlea
- Stoneridge
- Suburban Acre Homes
- Suburban Home
- Summerhill
- Summerwalk
- Summit Oaks Estates
- Summit Puyallup
- Sunny Meadows
- Sunnyside Vancouver
- Sunrise Glen
- Sunrise Ridge at Somerset Hill
- Sunset
- Sunset Hill
- Sunset Hills
- Sycamore
- Sylvan Home
- Tahoma Terra
- Talbot Hill
- Tallyho
- Talus
- Tam O' Shanter
- Tenny Creek Park
- Terminal Park
- The Ave
- The Baltimore
- The Bay Court
- The Boulders at Puget Sound
- The Buttes
- The Cascades
- The Golf Club at Hawks Prairie
- The Heights at Burien
- The heights at Ridgeview
- The Highlands
- The King
- The Knolls
- The Lakes
- The Links
- The Meadow Glen
- The Mill
- The Parkway
- The Springs
- The Trails of Redmond
- The Village at Lake Chelan
- The Woodlands Sector
- Thorndyke
- Thorpe Westwood
- Thrasher's Corner-Red Hawk
- Timberlake Park
- Timberlane Estates
- Totem Lake
- Town and Country
- Town Center
- Tracyton/Meadowdale
- Trella Acres
- Trentwood Orchards
- Tri City Heights
- Trio Residences Condominium
- Tudor Heights
- Tukwila Urban Center
- Tustin Ranch
- U-District
- Union Hill-Novelty Hill
- Union Pacific
- University District
- University Heights
- University Park
- University Village
- University Woods North
- Upper Eastside
- Upper Moorlands
- Uptown Vancouver
- Valley View
- Valley View
- Vancouver Heights
- Vancouver Waterfront
- Veradale
- Veremonte
- Victory Heights
- View Ridge
- View Ridge Madison
- Viewpoint
- Village Commons
- Village Crest
- Village Park
- Villages at Stonehill
- Violet Meadow
- Vuemont
- Walla Walla
- Waller
- Wallingford
- Walnut Grove
- Wasatch Hills
- Washingtion
- Washington Court
- Washington Park
- Waverly Shores
- Waynita-Simonds-Norway Hill
- Wedgewood
- West Bremerton
- West Central
- West End
- West Fife
- West Green Lake
- West Green Lake Garden Trails
- West Hazel Dell
- West Highlands
- West Hill North
- West Hill-Midway
- West Kenwood
- West Minnehaha
- West Mountain View
- West Olympia
- West Ridge
- West Seattle
- West Spokane
- West Tacoma
- West Terrace
- West Valley
- West Woodland
- Westhill
- Westlake
- Westmont
- Whidbey Island
- Whiskey Ridge
- Whitings
- Whitman
- Whittier Heights
- Wilburton-NE 8th St
- Wilderun West
- Willow-Rose Hill
- Winchester Heights
- Windermere
- Wing Point
- Winships
- Winslow
- Winsper
- Winterwood Park
- Wispering Hills
- Wolland Acre
- Wollochet Shores
- Wolverton Conlans
- Wood Vale
- Woodbury Crossing
- Woodfield Estates
- Woodland Glen
- Woodland Park
- Woodland Terrace
- Woodmont
- Woodridge
- Woodridge at North Creek Condominiums
- Woods South of Green Lake
- Woodtrail Village
- Wyndham Ranch
- Wynstone Townhouse Condominiums