How Much Square Footage Do I Need? Rental homes come in all shapes and sizes. As you review the variety of floor plans available online... Category Live Topic Lifestyle
Budgeting Tips for Renters According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans are spending almost 35 percent of their... Category Live Topic Budget & Affordability
5 Fabulous Watchdogs for Apartment Living Dogs are great! They alert us when someone is approaching our front door, they watch Netflix with us... Category Live Topic Pets
How to Lower Your Utility Bills After months of searching for an apartment online, you've finally moved into a place that you love... Category Live Topic Budget & Affordability
When Is the Best Time to Move? In this article: Most people move during the summer, but there are benefits and drawbacks to moving... Category Move Topic Moving In/Out
When to Contact Apartment Maintenance While renting an apartment, there’s going to come a time when you need something repaired or dealt... Category Live Topic Maintenance
5 Best Cities to Find Cheap Apartment Rent With rent prices climbing, perhaps you’re wondering where you can go to find affordable apartments... Category Move Topic Budget & Affordability
4 Hacks to Make Cooking with a Small Oven Easier Tiny rental kitchens often mean even tinier ovens. But with a little preparation and the right tools... Category Live Topic Lifestyle
When to Tell Your Landlord You Need a New Lock Ah, the front door to your apartment! There’s nothing quite like it after a long day at work or... Category Live Topic Health & Safety
Your Guide to Understanding Evictions It’s a scary topic, but the eviction process is something every renter should understand. Hopefully... Category Lease Topic Leasing/Lease Options
How Long Can a Visitor Stay in My Apartment? One of the benefits to having your own apartment is the freedom to entertain and host guests... Category Live Topic Roommates
What Is Considered Emergency Maintenance in an Apartment? Do you know when to request emergency maintenance for your apartment? Sometimes, it’s fairly obvious... Category Live Topic Maintenance
Renting vs. Buying a House When choosing between renting and buying a house, it's essential to analyze your budget and... Category Lease Topic Budget & Affordability
Living in the District: Renters' Guide to D.C. When you think of Washington, D.C., it probably brings to mind the White House, the Capitol Building... Category Find Topic Cities & Neighborhoods
20 Revealing Questions Every Renter Should Ask One day, my daughter will move out and become a renter. The responsibility to find and secure one’s... Category Lease Topic First Apartment